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Bianco-Mathis, Virginia

Virginia E. Bianco-Mathis Marymount University

Dr. Virginia Bianco-Mathis began her career with management positions at C&P Telephone as a training and development manager, then Lockheed-Martin working in corporate training and development. Later, she joined The Artery Organization as vice president of human and organization development. After receiving her doctorate, Dr. Bianco joined Marymount University and began teaching, consulting, presenting, and writing in her areas of expertise: organizational change, strategic planning, executive coaching, organizational communications, team building, and leadership development. Her most recent publications include Leading from the Inside Out: A Coaching Model (Sage, 2002), Organizational Coaching: Building Relationships and Programs that Drive Results (ASTD Press, 2009), and Executive Stories to Change Your Mindset (The Public Manager, Fall 2011). Dr. Bianco has forged partnerships with the American Society of Training and Development and the Society of Human Resource Management in order to align their researched competencies with Marymount’s Human Resource Management degree programs. Dr. Bianco consults with major organizations throughout the country, writes a weekly online column for the The Washington Post entitled “On Success,” and is an editor for the OD Journal.