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Vivienne Porritt Co-founder and Global Strategic Leader, WomenEd

Vivienne Porritt is a leadership consultant, working with school and academy trust leaders on impact, vision, strategy, professional learning and development, and leadership, especially women’s leadership. Vivienne is the co-editor of Effective Practices in CPD, Lessons for School (2009). She is on the editorial board of School Leadership and Management, is a coach for the Department for Education and writes for tes. Formerly, she was a secondary headteacher, and Director for School Partnerships at UCL Institute of Education as well as a Chair of Governors in London. Vivienne is delighted to be a Founding Fellow and Vice President of the Chartered College of Teaching. Vivienne is also a co-founder and, joyously, one of the strategic leaders of #WomenEd and co-edited 10% Braver: Inspiring Women to Lead Education.