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BA in Leadership and Management: Skills for the Workplace Student Yearbook, Final Year

BA in Leadership and Management: Skills for the Workplace Student Yearbook, Final Year

First Edition
Edited by:

May 2018 | 896 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Final year book for students studying BA Leadership and Management, UWTSD.
Part 1: Emergent Leadership Skills
Northouse, P. G. (2017)
Understanding Philosophy and Styles
Alvesson, M., Blom, M. & Sveningsson, S. (2017)
On Reflection and Reflexivity
Alvesson, M., Blom, M. & Sveningsson, S. (2017)
Leadership and Organisational Culture
Jackson, B. & Perry, K. (2012)
Follower-Centred Perspectives on Leadership
Part 2: Developing Innovation and Creativity
Hisrich, R. D. & Kearney, K. (2014)
Creativity and Innovation
Paroutis, S. Heracleous, L. & Angwin, D. (2016)
Strategic Leadership and Innovation at Apple Inc
Part 3: Leading and Implementing Workplace Change
Clegg, S. R., Kornberger, M. & Pitsis, T. (2015)
Managing Innovation and Change
Burke, W. W. (2013)
Conceptual Models for Understanding Organization Change
Burke, W. W. (2013)
Leading Organization Change
Burke, W. W. (2013)
Organization Change: What We Need to Know
Clegg, S. R., Schweitzer, J., Whittle, A. & Pitelis, C. (2016)
Strategy and Strategic Change
Part 4: Strategic Management for SME’s
Clegg, S. R., Schweitzer, J., Whittle, A. & Pitelis, C. (2016)
Strategy Processes
Paroutis, S. Heracleous, L. & Angwin, D. (2016)
Strategic Alignment: The ESCO Model
Part 5: Coaching and Mentoring Skills for the Workplace
Garvey, R., Stokes, P. & Megginson, D. (2017)
Researching Coaching and Mentoring
Garvey, R., Stokes, P. & Megginson, D. (2017)
Design and Evaluation
Part 6: Developing Emotional Intelligence
Singh, D. (2015)
Emotional Intelligence and Your Personality
Singh, D. (2015)
Emotional Intelligence and Interpersonal Relations
Banyard, P., Dillon, G., Norman, C. & Winder, B. (2015)
Motivation and Emotion
Hutchinson, E. D. (2014)
The Psychological Person: Cognition, Emotion and Self
Part 7: Journals for Emergent Leadership Skills
Barbuto, J. E., Gottfredson, R. K. & Searle, T. P. (2014)
An Examination of Emotional Intelligence as an Antecedent of Leadership
Gipson, A. N., Pfaff, D. L., Mendelsohn, D. B., Catenacci, L. T. & Burke, W. W. (2017)
Women and Leadership: Selection, Development, Leadership Style, and Performance
Halevy N., Berson, Y. & Galinsky, A. D. (2011)
The Mainstream is not Electable: When Vision Triumphs Over Representativeness in Leader Emergence and Effectiveness
Fock, H., Hui, M. K, Au, K. & Bond, M. H. (2012)
Moderation of Effects of Power Distance on the Relationship Between Types of Empowerment and Employee Satisfaction
Kim, M., Beehr, T. A. & Prewett, M. S. (2018)
Employee Responses to Empowering Leadership: A Meta-Analysis
Part 8: Journals for Developing Innovation and Creativity
Godin, B. (2015)
Models of Innovation: Why Models of Innovation are Models, or What Work is Being Done in Calling Them Models?
Schaltegger, S., Ludeke-Freund, F. & Hansen, E. G. (2016)
Business Models for Sustainability: A Co-Evolutionary Analysis of Sustainable
Helkkula, A., Kowalkowski, C. & Tronvoll B. (2018)
Archetypes of Service Innovation: Implications for Value Co-creation
Part 9: Journals for Leading and Implementing Workplace Change
Van der Voet, J. & Vermeeren, B. (2016)
Change Management in the Hard Times: Can Change Management Mitigate the Negative Relationship Between Cutbacks and the Organizational Commitment and Work Engagement of Public Sector Employees?
Cummings, S., Bridgman, T. & Brown, K. T. (2015)
Unfreezing Change as Three Steps: Rethinking Kurt Lewin’s Legacy for Change Management
Part 10: Strategic Management for SME’s
Stegmann, J. P. (2007) Journal of Interdisciplinary
An Integrated View of Strategic Management
Spicer, A. & Hyatt, D. (2017)
Walmart’s Emergent Low-Cost Sustainable Product Strategy
Part 11: Journals for Coaching and Mentoring Skills for the Workplace
Blackman, A., Moscardo, G. & Gray, D. E. (2016)
Challenges for the Theory and Practice of Business Coaching: A Systematic Review of Empirical Evidence
Ellinger, A. D. & Kim, S. (2014)
33. Coaching and Human Resource Development: Examining Relevant Theories, Coaching Genres, and Scales to Advance Research and Practice
Fischler, L. A. & Zachary, L. J. (2009)
Shifting Gears: The Mentee in the Driver’s Seat
Chan, J. T. & Mallet, C. J. (2011)
The Value of Emotional Intelligence for High Performance Coaching
Part 12: Journals for Developing Emotional Intelligence
Alagaraja, M. & Githens, R. P. (2016)
Capacity and Capacity Building for National HRD: A Multilevel Conceptual Framework
Mayer, J. D., Caruso, D. R. & Salovey, P. (2016)
The Ability Model of Emotional Intelligence: Principles and Updates