Approaches and Perspectives
- Jim Knight - University of Kansas, USA
Key features:
Includes chapters on the different types of coaches--literacy coach, math coach, data coach, etc.
The contributors represent some of the biggest names in coaching, including Joellen Killion, Cathy Toll, Jane Ellison, Lucy West, and Nancy Love
"A must-read for any administrator who employs coaches on their campus and for anyone who acts as a coach, teacher leader, facilitator, or mentor."
"It is imperative that districts make meaningful choices about the coaching model they invest their money and time in implementing. Without a broad base of knowledge, it is unlikely that coaching can have the greatest impact upon the teachers and students who need it the most."
"The book provides a useful overview of the different ways the concept of coaching applies to one common theme: the goal of improving student learning."
;I never received this text book.