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622 Results Found for "Education"


Open Call for Papers

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Open Access Agreements at Sage

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Your institution may also have an open access prepaid account (OAPA) with Sage in order to cover APCs or you may be eligible for a discount due to your institutional affiliation.

Subject knowledge boosters

Subject knowledge boosters

Over the course of your training you will be given a good foundation in to developing your subject knowledge, with particular emphasis on the core subjects. Our subject knowledge boosters provide you that little extra when you need it most.

Pure Gold Open Access Journals

The following lists the pure gold open access journals published by Sage. All articles published in the journals provide worldwide, barrier-free access to the full-text of articles online, immediately on publication under a creative commons license. All articles are rigorously peer-reviewed retaining the quality hallmarks of the academic publishing process that authors would experience in publishing in any traditional Sage journal.

Parents are not more likely to split up if mothers earn more than fathers

Couples with young children are as likely to stay together if the mother is the main breadwinner rather than the father, new research shows. 

A paper published in the journal Sociology today says the relationships of parents are in some cases more stable if the mother earns more than the father.  

Dr Shireen Kanji, of the University of Leicester School of Management, and Dr Pia Schober, of the German Institute for Economic Research, Berlin, examined survey data on 3,944 British couples as their first child aged from eight months to seven years.  

Ethics & Responsibility

Sage is committed to upholding the integrity of the work we publish. The value of academic publishing relies on everyone involved behaving ethically. The following points are only intended to give a broad overview and are not exhaustive.

SAGE Standing Order Program

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Coaching skills

coaching skills banner

Coaching has a multifaceted nature that aims to increase development through personal support, training and guidance. 
