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304 Results Found for "SO0"


Pre-Approved Permission Requests

Sage provides gratis non-exclusive permission for limited re-uses of its content without the need for a formal request, as indicated below.  This approval excludes any third-party content which requires permission from a separate copyright holder.

When re-using content under these terms, you must provide a full citation to the original source of the Sage material wherever such material appears in your publication.

Journal Editorial Board Members

Welcome to the Editorial Board Members (EBMs) Hub. Whether you are an Early Career Researcher interested in taking the first steps to collaborate with a Journal, or an experienced researcher interested in joining an Editorial Board, you’re in the right place. Here you’ll find guidance on how to gain the experience needed to join an Editorial Board, how to make the most of Editorial Board membership, and how Sage supports and rewards active EBMs.


What is open access?

Open access content is made freely available to under the terms of a Creative Commons licence. Open access publication is usually subject to payment of an article processing charge (APC) paid by the author, institution or funding body. 
