academic-icon Created with Sketch. Professional BookClinical Epidemiology & Evidence-Based MedicineFundamental Principles of Clinical Reasoning & ResearchDavid L. KatzPublished: October 2001From £109.00 Inspection copy available
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Professional BookCigarettes, Nicotine, and HealthA Biobehavioral ApproachLynn T. Kozlowski, Jack E. Henningfield, Janet BrighamPublished: June 2001From £109.00 Inspection copy available
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Professional BookBehavior Change and Public Health in the Developing WorldJohn P. ElderPublished: January 2001From £128.00 Inspection copy available
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Professional BookBuilding Health Coalitions in the Black CommunityRonald L. Braithwaite, Sandra E. Taylor, John N. AustinPublished: January 2000From £81.00 Inspection copy available
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Professional BookCreating Health Behavior ChangeHow to Develop Community-Wide Programs for YouthCheryl L. PerryPublished: July 1999From £128.00
academic-icon Created with Sketch. Professional BookPhysical Activity and Behavioral MedicineJames F. Sallis, Neville OwenPublished: September 1998From £128.00 Inspection copy available