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What do we mean by ethics? How can a coach determine if they are being truly ethical in their practice? Navigating the ethical dilemmas which present themselves in coaching sessions can be challenging.
We share here a collection of advice and guidance which we hope will help trainees to consider how ethical they are in their current practice and how they can improve this to become effective coaches.
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What principles should a coach be considering during practice?
In this short extract the authors explore the meaning of values and ethics and set out the ethical principles which should be at the forefront of every coach’s mind.
Story from Practice:
It is always important to consider which factors might be impacting on ethical practice. In this scenario the coach’s morals are a barrier to ethical practice. What is the best course of action?
Story from Practice:
In this real-life scenario, Indira has been recommended for coaching, but discloses that she is already undergoing psychotherapy and wishes for this to remain confidential. This throws up an ethical dilemma – whose agenda should be prioritised: client or company?
What makes an effective coach?
In this post, Ioanna Iordanou, Rachel Hawley, and Christiana Iordanou authors of the Henley Centre for Coaching’s Coaching Book of the Year 2017 ‘Values and Ethics in Coaching’, share their advice for coaches who are seeking to foster ethical practice in their work.