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Graduation for All

Graduation for All
A Practical Guide to Decreasing School Dropout

August 2005 | 248 pages | Corwin
A very practitioner-friendly guide for administrators interested in decreasing dropout rates. The book helps teachers develop comprehensive and effective models of dropout prevention and intervention for students most at risk of dropping out of school. It offers tools, guidelines, and information to use in the design, modification, or selection of evidence-based intervention models and strategies, rather than simply a list of strategies or a collection of programmes.

In addition, tools and techniques for implementing prevention strategies into the larger school system are included. The book includes both a research base and real world examples used to emphasize critical points. User-friendly pedagogy includes icon signposts indicating Myth or Truth sections, Quick Check points, Research and Statistics boxes, Potential Trouble Spot areas, Data Collection Point tools, and Food for Thought reflections, as well as reproducible forms throughout.

About the Authors
1. What This Book Is About
2. Getting Started
3. Putting the Problem of Dropout in Context: Looking at the Numbers
4. Understanding Why: Looking at the Reasons, the Process, and the Approach
5. Considering What to Work on: Contextual Influences and Indicators
6. Clarifying the Focus: Prevention and Intervention Programs
7. Putting the Pieces Together
8. Deciding What to Do
9. Maintaining Momentum
10. Evaluating Effectiveness
Resource A: Directory of Action Tools
Resource B: Glossary
Resource C: Related Links

"I found this book well organized and very user friendly. It outlines from beginning to end a process for taking on the issue of school dropout."

Geralynn Olvey, Program Specialist
Mountain Plains Regional Resource Center, CO

"The authors supply insight into areas of early intervention, truancy indicators, and the importance of a student feeling that they belong to their school and their own engagement whether it is by academics, the arts, or extra-curricular activities."

Nancy Avolese, State Coordinator of Alternative Education
Pennsylvania Department of Education

"This book offers educators and families a comprehensive guide and longitudinal plan to implement and evaluate a system to increase graduation rates and decrease dropout rates. We have the road map—now it is time to travel. The authors could not have set out a clearer course in this valuable resource."

Teachers College Record, Vol. 108, No. 1

Sample Materials & Chapters


Chapter 1: What This Book Is About

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781412906272
ISBN: 9781412906265