William O'Donohue, Steven Graybar
Introduction: Where Science meets Practice
Michael Lavin
Ch 2: The Scientist Practitioner and Dynamic Constructs
Jeffrey Zeig
Ch 3: The (Dramatic) Process of Psychotherapy
William Follette, Deborah Davis
Ch 4: Avoiding an Ice Patch on the Slippery Slope: Clinical Practice and the issue of repressed memories
Deborah Davis, Aaron McVean
Ch 5: Theory and Methods for Studying the Influence of Unconscious Processes
Kenneth Cloke
Ch 6: Meditation, Ego and I: Who, exactly, is in conflict?
James Maddock, Linda Friel, Linda Friel
Ch 7: Family Influences and Ecological Context
Robert Waska
Ch 8: A Psychoanalytical Understanding of the Death Instinct: Problems in Receiving the Good Object
Jeffrey Corpuel
Ch 9: Countertransference: A foundation of Psychotherapy
Patricia Chatham
Ch 10: Projective Identification
Akihiko Masuda, Kelly Wilson
Ch 11: Mindfulness: Being Mindful in Psychotherapy
David Antonuccio, Robert Jackson
Ch 12: The Science of Forgiveness
Lois Parker
Ch 13: Dream/Work in Psychotherapy: A narrative common-sense approach
William Hahn
Ch 14: Shame
James Overholser, Nicole Peak
Ch 15: Treatment of Clients who are struggling with Depression
Ofer Zur
Ch 16: Therapeutic Boundaries and Effective Therapy: Exploring the Relationships
Steven Graybar
Ch 17: Terminating Psychotherapy Therapeutically