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International Communication

International Communication

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

April 2012 | 1 584 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
International communication plays a multifaceted role in the social, political, economic and cultural constellations of power. Research abounds in this dynamic field ranging from areas like international informational and cultural flows and the geopolitics of information to communication and development and the role of media and propaganda in conflict and international military interventions. This four-volume set brings together classic publications with less-accessible articles to trace the foundations and development of international communication as a field of inquiry. It reflects the growing internationalization of the field - with clearly defined volumes covering key aspects of international communication - from historical literature to regional perspectives and cultural and political writings on communication from across the globe.

Volume One: International Communication in Context

Volume Two: Theoretical Pluralism and International Communication

Volume Three: The Political Economy of International Communication

Volume Four: Cultures of International Communication

Laurie Wilson and Ibrahim Al-Muhanna
The Political Economy of Information
The Impact of Transborder Data Flows

Colin Hoskins and Rolf Mirus
Reasons for the U.S. Dominance of the International Trade in Television Programmes
Colleen Roach
The Movement for a New World Information and Communication Order
A Second Wave?

Philip Schlesinger
From Cultural Defence to Political Culture
Media, Politics and Collective Identity in the European Union

Kalyani Chadha and Anandam Kavoori
Media Imperialism Revisited
Some Findings from the Asian Case

Dan Schiller
World Communications in Today's Age of Capital
Karol Jakubowicz
Ideas in Our Heads
Introduction of PSB as Part of Media System Change in Central and Eastern Europe

Steven Livingston and Douglas Van Belle
The Effects of Satellite Technology on News-Gathering from Remote Locations
Oliver Boyd Barrett
Cyberspace, Globalization and Empire
Dal Yong Jin
Reinterpretation of Cultural Imperialism
Emerging Domestic Market versus Continuing U.S. Dominance

Seungyoon Lee et al
The Emergence of Clusters in the Global Telecommunications Network
Victor Pickard
Neo-Liberal Visions and Revisions in Global Communications Policy from NWICO to WSIS
Colin Sparks
What's Wrong with Globalization?
Monroe Price, Susan Haas and Drew Margolin
Reflections on New Technologies and International Broadcasting:
Adaptations and Transformations

Dwayne Winseck and Robert Pike
Communication and Empire
Media Markets, Power and Globalization, 1860-1910

Michael Gurevitch, Stephen Coleman and Jay Blumler
Political Communication
Old and New Media Relationships

Mohammed el-Nawawy and Shawn Powers
Al-Jazeera English
A Conciliatory Medium in a Conflict-Driven Environment?

Albert May
Who Tube? How YouTube's News and Politics Space Is Going Mainstream
Harold Lasswell
The Theory of Political Propaganda
Johan Galtung
A Structure of Foreign News
Johan Galtung
A Structural Theory of Imperialism
Arjun Appadurai
Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy
Piers Robinsons
The Policy-Media Interaction Model
Measuring Media Power during Humanitarian Crisis

Marwan Kraidy
Hybridity in Cultural Globalization
Armand Mattelart
An Archaeology of the Global Era
Constructing a Belief

Raka Shome and Rahda Hegde
Post-Colonial Approaches to Communication
Charting the Terrain, Engaging the Intersections

Sonia Livingstone
On the Challenges of Cross-National Comparative Media Research
Henry Jenkins
The Cultural Logic of Media Convergence
John Urry
The 'System' of Automobility
Lars Qvortrup
Understanding New Digital Media
Medium Theory or Complexity Theory?

Slavko Splichal
In Search of a Strong European Public Sphere
Some Critical Observations on Conceptualizations of Publicness and the (European) Public Sphere

Pradip Thomas
The Communication Rights in the Information Society (CRIS) Campaign
Applying Social Movement Theories to an Analysis of Global Media Reform

Nancy Fraser
Transnationalizing the Public Sphere
On the Legitimacy and Efficacy of Public Opinion in a Post-Westphalian World

David Harvey
Neo-Liberalism as Creative Destruction
Manuel Castells
The New Public Sphere
Global Civil Society, Communication Networks and Global Governance

Joseph Nye Jr.
Public Diplomacy and Soft Power
Christian Fuchs
Grounding Critical Communication Studies
An Inquiry into the Communication Theory of Karl Marx

Friedrich Kittler
Towards an Ontology of Media
Andrew Calabrese
Communication and the End of Sovereignty?
Daniel Hallin and Stylianos Papathanassopoulos
Political Clientelism and the Media
Southern Europe and Latin America in Comparative Perspective

John Downing
Audiences and Readers of Alternative Media
The Absent Lure of the Virtually Unknown

Jack Shaheen
Reel Bad Arabs
How Hollywood Vilifies a People

Douglas Kellner
Media Propaganda and Spectacle in the War on Iraq
A Critique of U.S. Broadcasting Networks

Marc Raboy
The WSIS as a Political Space in Global Media Governance
Sean Aday, Steven Livingston and Maeve Hebert
Embedding the Truth
A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Objectivity and Television Coverage of the Iraq War

Peter Dahlgren
The Internet, Public Spheres and Political Communication
Dispersion and Deliberation

Fritz Plasser
From Hard to Soft News Standards? How Political Journalists in Different Media Systems Evaluate Shifting Quality of News
Carol Stabile
Unveiling Imperialism
Media, Gender and the War on Afghanistan

Greg Simons and Dmitry Strovsky
Censorship in Contemporary Russian Journalism in the Age of the War against Terrorism
An Historical Perspective

Nancy Snow and Philip Taylor
The Revival of the Propaganda State
U.S. Propaganda at Home and Abroad since 9/11

Roger Stahl
Have You Played the War on Terror?
Chin-Chuan Lee, Zhou He and Yu Huang
Party-Market Corporatism, Clientelism and Media in Shanghai
Stephen Reese et al
Mapping the Blogosphere
Professional and Citizen-Based Media in the Global News Arena

Scott Straus
What Is the Relationship between Hate Radio and Violence? Rethinking Rwanda's 'Radio Machete'
Alan Hunter
Soft Power
China on the Global Stage

Deepa Kumar
Framing Islam
The Resurgence of Orientalism during the Bush II Era

Vamsee Juluri
Music Television and the Invention of Youth Culture in India
Yoshiko Nakano
Who Initiates a Global Flow? Japanese Popular Culture in Asia
Michael Curtin
Media Capital
Towards the Study of Spatial Flows

Lina Khatib
Communicating Islamic Fundamentalism as Global Citizenship
Silvio Waisbord
Understanding the Global Popularity of Television Formats

Daniel Mato
The Transnationalization of the Telenovela Industry, Territorial References and the Production of Markets and Representations of Transnational Identities
Georgette Wang and Emilie Yueh-yu Yeh
Globalization and Hybridization in Cultural Products
The Cases of Mulan and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Chris Atton
Far-Right Media on the Internet
Culture, Discourse and Power

Vian Bakir
Policy Agenda-Setting and Risk Communication
Greenpeace, Shell and Issues of Trust

Mia Consalvo
Console Video Games and Global Corporations
Creating a Hybrid Culture

Jesus Martin-Barbero
A Latin American Perspective on Communication/Cultural Mediation
Eun-Gyoo Kim and James W. Hamilton
Capitulation to Capital? Ohmynews as Alternative Media
Graeme Turner
The Mass Production of Celebrity 'Celetoids', Reality TV and the 'Demotic Turn'
Marie Gillespie
Security, Media and Multicultural Citizenship
A Collaborative Ethnography

Toru Hanaki et al
Hanryu Sweeps East Asia:
How Winter Sonata Is Gripping Japan

Bhaskar Sarkar
The Melodramas of Globalization
Adedayo Ladigbolu Abah
Popular Culture and Social Change in Africa
The Case of the Nigerian Video Industry

Georgette Wang
Going beyond the Dualistic View of Culture and Market Economy
Learning from the Localization of Reality Television in Greater China

Garry Whannel
Television and the Transformation of Sport

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ISBN: 9780857029874