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Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments

Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments

Published in Association with IOS Press

eISSN: 18761372 | ISSN: 18761364
The Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments (JAISE) serves as a forum to discuss the latest developments on Ambient Intelligence (AmI) and Smart Environments (SmE). Given the multi-disciplinary nature of the areas involved, the journal aims to promote participation from several different communities covering topics ranging from enabling technologies such as multi-modal sensing and vision processing, to algorithmic aspects in interpretive and reasoning domains, to application-oriented efforts in human-centered services, as well as contributions from the fields of robotics, networking, HCI, mobile, collaborative and pervasive computing. This diversity stems from the fact that smart environments can be defined with a variety of different characteristics based on the applications they serve, their interaction models with humans, the practical system design aspects, as well as the multi-faceted conceptual and algorithmic considerations that would enable them to operate seamlessly and unobtrusively.
The Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments focuses on both the technical and application aspects of these.

The Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments (JAISE) serves as a forum to discuss the latest developments on Ambient Intelligence (AmI) and Smart Environments (SmE). Given the multi-disciplinary nature of the areas involved, the journal aims to promote participation from several different communities covering topics ranging from enabling technologies such as multi-modal sensing and vision processing, to algorithmic aspects in interpretive and reasoning domains, to application-oriented efforts in human-centered services, as well as contributions from the fields of robotics, networking, HCI, mobile, collaborative and pervasive computing. This diversity stems from the fact that smart environments can be defined with a variety of different characteristics based on the applications they serve, their interaction models with humans, the practical system design aspects, as well as the multi-faceted conceptual and algorithmic considerations that would enable them to operate seamlessly and unobtrusively. The Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments will focus on both the technical and application aspects of these.

The broad areas represented in the Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments (JAISE) given the multi-disciplinary nature of the field and applications include:

  • Sensors, vision, and networks
  • Mobile and pervasive computing
  • Human-centered interfaces
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Robotics
  • Multi-agents
  • Societal applications and implications
  • Internet of Things

Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Scene and event modeling, representation, and reconstruction
  • Applications in health care: assisted living, fall detection, elderly care, patient monitoring, patient rehabilitation, brain-computer interfaces
  • Applications in smart homes: home safety, energy efficiency, entertainment, ambience, multimedia
  • Applications in smart buildings, smart classrooms, smart cars, in safety, energy efficiency, services
  • Modeling environments (homes, hospitals, transportation, roads, offices, classrooms, museums, etc)
  • Virtual and immersive reality, augmented reality, multi-modal immersion
  • Occupancy-based servicesApplications of combined pervasive / ubiquitous computing with AI
  • Automated system setup and environment discovery
  • Network middleware and protocols to facilitate SmE
  • Innovative sensing devices and innovative uses of existing sensors (e.g. RFID)
  • Use of mobile, wireless, visual, and multi-modal sensor networks in intelligent systems
  • Virtual smart environments, interfaces with real world, social networks as smart environments
  • Sensor data fusion and collaboration in multi-sensor systems and networks
  • Mobile/wearable intelligence
  • Self-adaptive AmI systems
  • Context awareness
  • Cognitive and emotional awareness
  • Handling preferences of the individual users and user groups
  • Mediating conflicting interests
  • Behavior modeling
  • Intention recognition
  • Agent-based approaches to AmI
  • Robotics applied to smart environments
  • Distributed and collaborative computing and reasoning
  • Distributed video surveillance
  • Intuitive user interface design, unobtrusiveness, ease of setup, ergonomics
  • Human interaction with autonomous systemsNon-restrictive HCI
  • Assistive technologies, interfaces for special groups
  • Educational interfaces
  • Multimodal interfaces
  • Human action and gesture interpretation
  • Social issues of applications of AmI/SmE
  • Legal Issues in AmI
  • Intelligent handling of privacy, security and trust
  • Technology adoption issues and implications

JAISE welcomes submissions of scientific papers, which will be peer-reviewed. These articles should be prepared following the journal's official format and submitted through the official online submission system. Scientific research papers make up the core of the issues of JAISE.

JAISE also considers less technical and shorter articles for inclusion, which can be useful for the scientific community:

  1. Short articles reporting on PhD theses recently defended in the technical areas relevant to the journal. Articles in this category are typically expected to be one page long and will contain information like the abstract of the thesis, details of the viva (date, place, members of the examination board) and a photo of the event. This article can be written by the student or by one of the supervisors.
  2. Opinion articles and letters which can help our community to reflect, discuss or encourage debate and joint work in certain areas.

Articles in any of these two categories should also be prepared following the journal's official format, but should not be submitted through the official submissions webpage, but sent directly to either of the co-Editors-in-Chief. These types of papers will not be peer-reviewed. The co-Editors-in-Chief will decide on the inclusion of these articles.

Hamid Aghajan Gent University, Belgium
Juan Augusto Middlesex University, UK
Associate Editor
Andrés Muñoz Ortega Universidad de Cádiz, Spain
Advisory Board
Emile Aarts Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Vic Callaghan University of Essex, UK
Diane Cook Washington State University, USA
Boris de Ruyter Philips Research Europe, The Netherlands
Anind Dey Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Matjaz Gams Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Toru Ishida Kyoto University, Japan
Pieter Jonker TU Delft University, The Netherlands
Takeo Kanade Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Nicu Sebe University of Trento, Italy
Norbert Streitz Smart Future Initiative, Germany
Wolfgang Wahlster DFKI GmbH, Germany
Editorial Board Members
Somaya Allouch Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
Andreas Braun PwC Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Jeannette Chin University of East Anglia, UK
Raquel Martinez España University of Murcia, Spain
Lukas Esterle Aarhus University, Denmark
Francesco Furfari Italian National Research Council (CNR), Italy
Paula Lago Concordia University, Canada
Shogo Okada Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Ana Oliveira Alves University of Coimbra, Portugal
Filippo Palumbo Information Science and Technologies Institute ISTI - CNR, Italy
Fabio Paternò Institute for Information Science and Technologies "Alessandro Faedo" - ISTI, Italy
Davy Preuveneers K.U. Leuven, Belgium
Roope Raisamo University of Tampere, Finland
Caifeng Shan Philips Research Europe, The Netherlands
Egon Van den Broek Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Ping Wang York University, Canada
Lanyu Xu Oakland University, USA
  • Clarivate Analytics: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)
  • Ei Compendex
  • ProQuest
  • Scopus
  • Individual Subscription, E-access


    Institutional Subscription, E-access
