Journal of Health Services Research & Policy
What we are looking for:
- Importance and originality of the research/policy question: what does the paper add?
- Strengths and weaknesses of study design, data collection and data analysis: are these clearly described?
- Implications of the findings for policy or practice: have these been drawn out and justified?
- International context: would the paper be understood by an international audience and are the findings of international interest?
- Accessibility and presentation: is the paper written clearly, well organised and presented?
The journal is always interested in discussing proposals for funded supplements. Estimated costs including peer review, editing of papers, and 100 sponsor copies is around £18,000 for a 64-page supplement, published in hardcopy as well as online (for subscribers), plus open access flat fee. Interested parties should contact
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What we are looking for:
- Importance and originality of the research/policy question: what does the paper add?
- Strengths and weaknesses of study design, data collection and data analysis: are these clearly described?
- Implications of the findings for policy or practice: have these been drawn out and justified?
- International context: would the paper be understood by an international audience and are the findings of international interest?
- Accessibility and presentation: is the paper written clearly, well organised and presented?
Gemma Hughes | Healthcare Innovation Policy and Management, University of Leicester, UK |
Gregory Maniatopoulos | Healthcare Innovation Policy and Management, University of Leicester, UK |
Christine Rivett-Carnac | Manager, Journal of Health Services Research & Policy Editorial Office, Faculty of Public Health and Policy, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK |
Rob Anderson | University of Exeter Medical School, UK |
David Cromwell | London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine & Royal College of Surgeons, UK |
Steven Lewis | Access Consulting Ltd, Canada |
Jamie Murdoch | King’s College London, UK |
Rebecca Payne | University of Oxford Nuffield Department of Primary Care Services, UK |
Christine Rivett-Carnac | Dept of Health Services Research & Policy, LSHTM, UK |
Oscar Bernal | School of Government, University of Andes, Colombia |
Nick Black | London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK |
Jeffery Braithwaite | Centre for Healthcare Resilience and Implementation Science, Macquarie University, Australia |
Bronwyn Croxson | Ministry of Health, Wellington, New Zealand |
Jacqueline Cumming | Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand |
Nigel Edwards | The Nuffield Trust, London, UK |
Giovanni Fattore | Universita L. Bocconi, Italy |
Colleen Flood | Faculty of Law, Queen's University, Canada |
Maria Goddard | Centre for Health Economics, University of York, UK |
Peter Groenewegen | NIVEL, Netherlands |
Chris Ham | University of Birmingham, UK |
Maite Irurzun-Lopez | Health Services Research Centre, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand |
John Lavis | McMaster Health Forum, McMaster University, Canada |
Jill Manthorpe | Kings College London, UK |
Nicholas Mays | London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK |
J Jaime Miranda | School of Medicine, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia, Peru |
Jacqueline Müller-Nordhorn | Bavarian Cancer Registry, Bavarian Food and Health Safety Authority, Germany |
Violet Naanyu | Department of Behavioural Sciences, Moi University School of Medicine, Kenya |
Ellen Nolte | London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK |
Evan Roberts | History of Medicine, University of Minnesota Medical School, USA |
Trevor Sheldon | Queen Mary University London, UK |
Justin Waring | School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Loughborough University, UK |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.