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Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling

Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling

Advancing theory and professional practice through scholarly and reflective publications
Published in Association with Journal of Pastoral Care Publications Inc.
Published in Association with Member Associations of JPCP Inc

eISSN: 2167776X | ISSN: 15423050 | Current volume: 78 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Quarterly

The Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, founded in 1947, has had over 70 years of continuous publication. As of 2015, the journal is published as a partnership venture between SAGE and Journal of Pastoral Care Publications Inc. ( which owns JPC&C.  

The Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling advances theory and professional practice through scholarly and reflective literature on pastoral and spiritual care, counseling, psychotherapy, education, and research. All material submitted to JPC&C must reflect the ethical standards of the organizations that are Member Associations of JPCP Inc. These standards are available on the associations' websites.

JPC&C publishes articles such as the following:

  • Concrete and detailed reports of significant areas of pastoral/spiritual care work, with discussion
  • Research Studies of importance to the pastoral/spiritual care mission of religious communities
  • Articles advancing understanding of the practice of Clinical Pastoral Education and Pastoral Counseling/Psychotherapy
  • Articles that explore the distinctive as well as the common characteristics of Ministry/Spiritual Care in relation to other helping professions and/or institutions

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The Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling advances theory and professional practice through scholarly and reflective literature on pastoral and spiritual care, counseling, psychotherapy, education, and research. All material submitted to JPC&C must reflect the ethical standards of the organizations that are Member Associations of JPCP Inc. These standards are available on the associations' websites.

Book Reviews Editor
Social Media Editor
Florence Gelo Drexel University Medical School, USA
Personal Reflections Editor
Logan C. Jones Author & Former Director of Pastoral Care Services, CPE Supervisor, USA
Poetry Editor
Logan C. Jones Author & Former Director of Pastoral Care Services, CPE Supervisor, USA
Peer Reviewers
Robert G. Anderson USA
Lynn Ashley USA
David Augsburger USA
Mildred M. Best USA
Lucy Bregman USA
Peter Yuichi Clark USA
Nancy L. Cocks Canada
Marilyn A. Craven Canada
William Cutter USA
Diana C. Dale USA
Richard Dayringer USA
Donald D. Denton Jr USA
Judith Edilstein USA
Talal Y. Eid USA
Areej El-Jawahri USA
Neil Elford Canada
Charles Fensham Canada
George Fitchett USA
John L. Florell USA
John Foskett UK
Dayle Friedman USA
Graeme Gibbons Australia
Annekathryn Goodman USA
George Henry Grant USA
Daniel H. Grosshoeme USA
Bennett Gurian USA
J. Vincent Guss Jr USA
George F. Handzo USA
Alan D. Harris USA
Curtis W. Hart USA
Henry G. Heffernan USA
Phillip B. Helsel USA
David Kwaku Hormenoo USA
Margot Hover USA
Rodney J. Hunter USA
Nazila Isgandarova Canada
Gregory J. Johanson USA
Juliette Jones USA
James N. Lapsley USA
Elaine H. Lehr USA
Robert L. Lewis Jr. USA
Steven Locke USA
Daniel J. Louw South Africa
H. Newton Malony USA
Joretta L. Marshall USA
Denise Massey USA
Bruce Maxwell USA
Pam McCarroll Canada
R. Esteban Montilla USA
Martin G. Montonye USA
Marilyn F. Morris USA
David M. Moss USA
Patricia E. Murphy USA
Katherine Murray USA
Gary Myatt Canada
Ron Nydam USA
Thomas St. James O'Connor Canada
Joanne K. Olson Canada
Maximo J. Ortiz USA
Patricia K. Palmer Emory University Hospital, USA
James N. Poling USA
Whilhelm Polster Germany
Surya Prakash India
Judith R. Ragslade USA
Bart Rodrigues USA
Jesús Rodriguez Sánchez  
Swami Sarvaananda USA
Charles J. Scalise USA
Carol Schweitzer USA
Jill Lynnae Snodgrass USA
Angella Son Drew University, USA
Alexander Tartaglia USA
Ann Belford Ulanov USA
Richard W. Voss USA
Jean Waters Canada
Susan K. Wintz USA
Kelley M. Woggon USA
  • Clarivate Analytics: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
  • E-psyche
  • EBSCO: ATLA Religion
  • EBSCOhost Family & Society Studies Worldwide
  • EBSCOhost Social Work Abstracts (Online)
  • Elsevier BV Scopus
  • Elsevier BV: EMBASE
  • National Library of Medicine PubMed
  • OCLC: Article First
  • Ovid Social Work Abstracts (Online)
  • ProQuest: CBCA Reference
  • Religious and Theological Abstracts
  • Scopus
  • U.S. National Library of Medicine MEDLINE
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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