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Key Concepts in Early Childhood Education and Care

Key Concepts in Early Childhood Education and Care

Second Edition

January 2011 | 192 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
This new edition of Cathy Nutbrown's much loved book explains the key ideas and issues in Early Childhood clearly and concisely, keeping students up-to-date with the latest developments in the field.

There are brand new entries on:

- Attachment

- Babies' learning and development

- Children's Centres

- Citizenship

- Digital Technologies

- Early Years Foundation Stage

- Early Years Professional Status

- Neuroscience

- Sexualities

The rest of the book has also been thoroughly updated and revised, and includes coverage of heuristic play, Early Literacy Development and Parental Involvement.

The book offers starting points which provide a clear focus, further reading and discussion of research on thirty-five key topics. It is a must for students following courses in early childhood education and care.

Professor Cathy Nutbrown directs and teaches on Masters and Doctoral programmes in Early Childhood Education at the University of Sheffield.

Babies' Learning and Development
Childminding and Home Childcare
Children's Centres
Developmentally Appropriate Practice
Digital Technologies
Early Intervention Studies
Early Literacy Development
Early Years Foundation Stage
Early Years Professional Status
Family Literacy
Heuristic Play with Objects
High Scope Pre-School Curriculum
Index for Inclusion
Key Person
Media and Popular Culture
Montessori Method
Parental Involvement
Persona Dolls
Reggio Emilia Approach
Special Educational Needs
Steiner-Waldorf Approach
Sure Start
Te Whãriki
Treasure Basket
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child

Useful information for the experienced practitioner presented in a concise logical way. Variety of appropriate current reserach referred to within the text.

Mrs Diane Forsyth
Early Years, Peterborough Regional College
April 4, 2011

A good book for the more able Level 1 student and recommended for the Level 2 and 3 students.

Mrs Jan Roberts
Childcare, Herefordshire College of Technology
April 1, 2011

A good introduction to key concepts and further reading

Mrs Theresa Waterhouse
Education , City of Bath College
April 1, 2011

Good book from Cathy (again).
Subjects are presented quite a compact way. Thank you!

Mrs Paivi Valtonen
Education , Grimsby Institute of Further and Higher Education
March 28, 2011

The short 'snap shots' of key concepts are really useful as an introduction to the topics for students

Mrs Janet Goldsbrough
School of Education, Derby University
March 24, 2011

Straightforward and accessible, this book provides a useful overview and revision aid.

Andrew Kennedy
Faculty of Educ, Community & Leisure, Liverpool John Moores University
March 24, 2011

excellent text, essetial reading at level 4

Janine Ryan
Health, Ed, Social & Advanced Studies, Doncaster University Centre
March 23, 2011

good introductory text with , as the title says, essential key facts for learners

Mr Andrew Holmes
Centre for Life-Long Learning, Hull University
March 22, 2011

An excellent little handbook for student teachers to dip into for an overview of key issues in education. Very useful indeed.

Jill Dunn
Initial Teacher Education (post-Prim.), Stranmillis University College
March 22, 2011

A compact book packed with concepts for Early Years practitioners to build their understanding of the ever evolving field of childcare and education.

Mrs Lynne Truelove
Faculty of Development & Society, Sheffield Hallam University
March 21, 2011

For instructors

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ISBN: 9781849204019
ISBN: 9781849204002