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Language and Literacy for the Early Years

Language and Literacy for the Early Years

June 2012 | 184 pages | Learning Matters
Shortlisted for the 2013 Nursery World Awards!

This is a focused text on early years' language and literacy for all students studying for degrees and foundation degrees in early childhood, early years and related disciplines and for candidates on EYPS pathways. It discusses language acquisition and development and covers development theory, talking with babies and the factors that affect development. Practical guidance on how to support children's language acquisition through rhymes, songs, story books and storytelling helps students see how theory links to practice. The text also examines the question 'what comes before phonics?' and includes interactive activities and theory focus features.

About the Early Childhood Studies Series

This series has been designed to support students of Early Years, Early Childhood Studies and related disciplines in popular modules of their course. Each text takes a focused look at a specific topic and approaches it in an accessible and user-friendly way. Features have been developed to help readers engage with the text and understand the subject from a number of different viewpoints. Activities pose questions to prompt thought and discussion and 'Theory Focus' boxes examine essential theory close-up for better understanding. This series is also applicable to EYPS candidates on all pathways.

Other titles in the series include Early Childhood Studies, Childhood in Society for Early Childhood Studies, Child Development for Early Childhood Studies and Exploring Play for Early Childhood Studies.

An Introduction to Language Acquisition
Understanding Language Acquisition and Development: Theories and Approaches
Language Development Charts
Talking with Babies
Factors that Affect Children's Language Acquisition and Development
Responding to Children with Speech, Language and Communication Needs
Interaction to Supoprt Language Acquisition and Development
Supporting Bilingual and Multilingual Children's Language Learning
Starting from the Child
Rhymes, Poems, Songs, Music and Stories
Creating a Literate Environment
Understanding Literacy
Emergent Literacy
Phonics in the Early Years

Easy to use in class, as it has case studies on most pages so can be used as a group or for individuals. It has clear font and a few diagrams. It also highlights summary's of sections and a focus on theory section. Although it is aimed for Degree students, I have adapted some of the ideas and case studies for Level 2 and 3 students. Good size as well for students to carry around.

Mrs Helen Chester (Christie)
Health & Social Care, Somerset College of Arts and Technology
November 16, 2012

Excellent a clear and well organised text that is accessible for most learners.
Written in an engaging style, a very interesting read.
Includes case studies and activities that can help support teaching staff in presenting and supporting the learner.
Very Useful.

Ms Caroline Brooks
Childcare & Early Years, Sheffield College
November 13, 2012

A valuable source of information on how to support language and literacy in the early years.

Ms Sue Kellas
Child Care and education, Penwith College
November 7, 2012

Thanks a wonderful resource. Highly recommended

Mrs Donna O'Connor
EYCYP, NWRC Strabane Campus
October 31, 2012

Excellent for the TA's in EYFS and Reception Age Ranges

Mrs Heather Langridge
Education , Nelson & Colne College
September 13, 2012

Provides valuable information for those studying primary education - how to support children's language and literacy skills effectively, including opportunities for extending own knowledge and understanding on the subject.

Miss Maria Cruickshank
health care and public services, South Essex College
August 20, 2012

a clear overview of language and literacy. Some interesting connections are made with other areas of learning such as Kholbergs Moral development stages, which makes the text a good general student book.

Mr Mark Wilkins
Care and Early Years, Weston College
July 18, 2012

I would recommend this book to any student on the foundation degree. topics include langauge acquisition and developemnt which is a module of the course.

Excellent case studies that challenge students, together with the theory focus, which was particualy useful and thoughtful. I also like the definition boxes - very useful for students. I would recommend this text for foundation degree students.

Mrs Helen Middleton
Caring, Cardiff and Vale College
July 16, 2012

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ISBN: 9780857257413

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