Johari Toe
Ms. Johari Toe is a public school administrator who is an advocate for all students, parents, teachers, and stakeholders. Ms. Toe is dedicated to creating a purposeful, equitable, rigorous, and engaging learning environment for all children. She was educated in the Baltimore City Public Schools and upon completion of high school, she enrolled in college. Ms. Toe holds a bachelor’s degree from Morgan State University and a master’s degree from Towson University.
Ms. Toe has over 20 years of experience in the field of education. She has been a classroom teacher at the middle school level, instructional coach, professional developer, Title I specialist, assistant principal, and principal in various school systems in the state of Maryland. In addition to her professional experiences, she has worked with multiple non-profit organizations and is a current board member with the Child First Authority. Ms. Toe has invested in the theory and practice of how to create equitable work environments though the avenue of professional development. Some of the topics cover studying and presenting professional developments to diverse audiences, discussing equity and education, Doors Wide Shut: Strategies to Identify Deficits in Parent Involvement, Transitioning From Voice to Action: Strategies to Improve Parent Involvement, Using Climate Data to Discover Hidden Voices, Social Workers: A Key Element in Building Successful Inclusive School Communities, and There Is Power in Focusing on Student Groups.