Volume 1: Contexts and Controversies
1. Paul Atkinson and Sara Delamont
2. Boon, J. A.
Functionalists write too
3. Davis, F.
Stories and Sociology
4. Herzfeld, M.
Looking both ways
5. Lofland, J.
Styles of reporting qualitative field research
6. Geertz, C.
Slide show: Evans-Pritchard's African Transparencies
7. Nash, D. and Wintrob, R.
The emergence of Self-consciousness in Ethnography
8. Crapanzano, V.
On the writing of ethnography
9. Gusfield, J.
The literary rhetoric of science: comedy and pathos in drinking driver research
10. Tedlock, D.
The analogical tradition and the emergence of dialogical Anthropology
11. Bazerman, C.
What written knowledge does
12. Brown, R.H.
Dialectical Irony
13. Clifford, J.
On ethnographic Surrealism
14. Atkinson, P.A.
Writing ethnography
15. Clifford, C. J.
On ethnographic authority
16. Law, J. and Williams, R.J.
Putting facts together
17. Marcus, G.E.
From rapport to under erasure
18. Thornton, R.J.
The Rhetoric of ethnographic holism
19. Roth, P.A.
Ethnography without tears
20. Sangren, P.S.
Rhetoric and the authority of ethnography
21. F.E. Mascia-Lees et al
The Postmodern turn in anthropology
22. Watson, G.
Make me reflexive - but not yet: strategies for managing essential reflexivity in ethnographic discourse
Volume 2: Reading Qualitative Research
23. McCloskey, D.
The rhetoric of economics
24. Yearley, S.
Textual Persuasion
25. Anderson, D.C. and Sharrock, W.W.
Irony: a methodological theory
26. Denzin, N.K.
Confronting ethnography's crisis of representation
27. Emerson, R.M.
Four ways to improve the craft of fieldwork
28. Marcus, G.E. and Gushman, D.
Ethnographies as texts
29. Flaherty, M.
The 'crisis' in representation
30. Marcus, G.E.
Beyond Malinowski and after Writing Culture
31. Flaherty, M.G.
The crisis in representation: a brief history
32. Manning, P.K.
The sky is not falling
33. Spencer, J.
Anthropology as a kind of writing
34. Clifford, J.
On ethnographic self-fashioning: Conrad and Malinowski
35. Atkinson, P.A.
Goffman's poetics
36. Fine, G.A. and Martini, D.D.
Sarcasm, satire and irony as voices in Goffman's Asylums
37. Strathern, M. et al.
Out of context
Volume 3: Analysis and Voice in Qualitative Research
38. Coffey, A., Holbrook, B. and Atkinson, P.
Qualitative data analysis
39. Jackson, J.E.
Deja entendu: The liminal qualities of anthropological fieldnotes
40. Wolfinger
On writing field notes
41. Mishler, E.G.
Representing discourse: The Rhetoric of Transcription
42. Temple and Young
Qualitative Research and translation dilemmas
43. Richardson and Kramer
Abduction as the type of inference
44. Hoskins and Stoltz
Fear of Offending
45. Stoddart, K.
The presentation of everyday life: some textual strategies for 'adequate ethnography'
46. Letherby and Zdrodwski
'Dear Researcher'
47. Fleischman
Gender, the personal and the voice of scholarship
48. Blauner, B.
Problems of editing 'first-person' sociology
49. Dominguez, V.
A taste for the other
50. Narayan, K.How native is the native anthropologist?
51. Moore, S.F.
Explaining the present: Theoretical dilemmas in processional ethnography
52. Richardson, L.
The collective story: postmodernism and the writing of sociology
53. Austin-Broos, D.J.
Falling through the 'savage slot'
54. Fortier, A-M.
Troubles in the field
55. Bailey, P.H. and Tilley, S.
Storytelling and the Interpretation of Meaning in Qualitative Research
56. Saukko
Studying the self
57. Kreiger, S.
Beyond "subjectivity"
58. Gordon, D.
Writing culture, writing feminism
59. Visweswaran, K.
Defining feminist ethnography
Volume 4: Writing and Representation
60. Hammersley
What's wrong with ethnography?
61. Stanley
Doing ethnography, writing ethnography
62. Cohen, I.J. and Rogers, M.F.
Autonomy and credibility: Voice as method
63. Mienczakowski, J.
The theater of ethnography
64. Denzin
Reading and Writing Performance
65. Richardson, L. and Lockeridge, E.
The sea monster: An ethnographic drama
66. Richardson and Lockridge
Fiction and ethnography
67. Stephens and Delamont
Balancing the Berimbau
68. Sparkes, A.
The fatal flaw
69. Walford
Finding the Limits
70. Anderson
Analytic Autoethnography
71. Ellis and Bochner
Analysing analytic autoethnography
72. Brady
Show me a sign
73. Tierney
A walk in the olive grove
74. Murphy
The anthropologists's son
75. Stanley, L.
On auto/biography in sociology
76. Brown, K. Mc
Plenty confidence in myself: The initiation of a white woman scholar into Haitian vodou
77. Harrison, F.
Three women, one struggle: Anthropology, performance and pedagogy
78. Paget, M.A.
Performing the text
79. Jeffries, R.B.
'I yam what I am'
80. Linnekin, J.
Text bites and the R. word
81. Barnes et al.
Deconstructing dissemination
82. Sikes
Storying Schools
83. Kondo, D.K.
Dissolution and reconstitution of self
84. Lather, P.A.
The validity of angels
85. Richardson
The Collective Story
86. Clarke, M.
Survival in the field: Implications of personal experiences in fieldwork
87. Ellis, C.
Sociological Introspection and emotional experience