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"The most important work of the school leader is to promote profound levels of learning in students and faculty, but only principals who know how to promote their own learning on the job can foster the learning of others. Here's how!"
"For the principal or aspiring principal, this book will open your eyes on how to be a cut above. It encourages you to be open, to wonder, and to research effectively to maintain a trajectory of excellence in your school."
"Finally, a book for administrators that validates their role in the area of action research! All administrator preparation programs should use this book. The description of the principal afflicted with 'data analysis paralysis' could be me. I was motivated to read on!"
"After reading this book, I realized that engaging in administrator inquiry is not just 'another thing to do.' It can become best practice, and not simply the flavor of the week."
"I am very impressed with this work. Years ago, Roland Barth said that leaders should be the 'head learners' in their schools. Dana's book confirms this basic belief and provides very useful strategies for practicing administrators to enhance professional learning. Thank you for honoring the practitioner!"