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'Organizational culture remains absolutely central to any understanding of how organizations actually work. With his usual engaging and inimitable style, Mats Alvesson takes the reader on a riveting journey through the diverse ways in which culture itself can be understood and how these powerfully inform organizational life' - Blake E. Ashforth W.P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University
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Our ERM course ended in 2014. However, I really liked this book and it is now one that I recommend for students interested in Organisational Culture on a Level 5 Undergraduate option "Social Psychology of Work" as it goes beyond what is in the typical OB chapters
Understanding Organizational Culture is a useful book for student who will be looking to study organizations as part of their final year project, especially useful for studying the aspects of leadership and marketing.
Good standard text on this subject.
All key aspects of culture covered giving clarity to our students
I thought this book was a thoughtful and comprehensive review of the role and importance of culture in organisations. Unfortunately I am not sure how well it resonated with the needs of the students I currently teach. The issues around culture in public services are so current as a means of explaining adverse events. Sadly this book does not quite hit the mark for us at the moment.
This book does not seem appropriate for this terms units but has been passed on to colleagues to use for the Level 7 Units and will be an extremely valuable resource
Understanding organizational culture is a good introductory book for those who want understanding of basic concepts of organizational culture and its various applications in the business and management field. The book is well articulated in easy to understand style that include many real word examples.
A useful background reading material.
Well, I think that in the future I may execute a new a course: "New corporate cultures", and perhaps I will use the book in this context.
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This book is useful for students to understand the underlying principles and theory surrounding organisations and organisational culture.
Excellent book!
I always recommend Alvesson's work to my doctoral students for its nuanced and well-theorised view of organizational cultures, seeing them as dynamic, multiple and set within a changing configuration. His critical theoretical perspective in general is a model to be emulated in my view.
A brilliant book that examines organizational culture. Highly recommended for all postgraduate students.