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Current Directions in Psychological Science

Current Directions in Psychological Science

Published in Association with Association for Psychological Science
Other Titles in:
Psychology (General)

eISSN: 14678721 | ISSN: 09637214 | Current volume: 33 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Bi-monthly

Current Directions in Psychological Science publishes reviews by leading experts covering all of scientific psychology and its applications. Each issue of Current Directions features a diverse mix of reports on various topics such as language, memory and cognition, development, the neural basis of behavior and emotions, various aspects of psychopathology, and theory of mind. These articles allow readers to stay apprised of important developments across subfields beyond their areas of expertise and bodies of research they might not otherwise be aware of. The articles in Current Directions are also written to be accessible to non-experts, making them ideally suited for use in the classroom as teaching supplements.

Current Directions in Psychological Science provides metrics that help provide a view of the journal’s performance. The Association for Psychological Science is a signatory of DORA, which recommends that journal-based metrics not be used to assess individual scientist contributions, including for hiring, promotion, or funding decisions. Therefore, Current Directions in Psychological Science recommends that the metrics found on this page be used solely for those wishing to assess this journal.

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The Association for Psychological Science (APS) is the leading international organization dedicated to advancing scientific psychology across disciplinary and geographic borders. APS members provide a richer understanding of the world through their research, teaching, and application of psychological science. APS is passionate about supporting psychological scientists in these pursuits, which it does by sharing cutting-edge research across all areas of the field through its journals and conventions; promoting the integration of scientific perspectives within psychological science and with related disciplines; fostering global connections among its members; engaging the public with research to promote broader understanding and awareness of psychological science; and advocating for increased support for psychological science in the public policy arena. More than 30,000 leading psychological researchers, as well as students and teachers, have made APS their scientific home.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Please see the Aims & Scope of the journal from the APS Publications Committee.

Robert L. Goldstone Indiana University, USA
Associate Editors
Marlene Behrmann Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Amy Needham Vanderbilt University, USA
Teresa A. Treat University of Iowa, USA
Managing Editor
Michele Nathan Germantown, Maryland, USA
Senior Publications Manager
Becca G. White Association for Psychological Science
Advisory Board
Karen E. Adolph New York University, USA
Woo-Young Ahn Seoul National University, South Korea
Lisa Feldman Barrett Northeastern University, USA
Paul Bloom Yale University, USA
Naomi Ellemers Utrecht University, Netherlands
Morton Ann Gernsbacher University of Wisconsin-Madison
Hal Pashler University of California San Diego, USA
Suparna Rajaram Stony Brook University, USA
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