Perceptual and Motor Skills
Cognitive Psychology (General) | Perceptual & Motor Development | Sensation & Perception
Perceptual and Motor Skills has been dedicated, since 1949, to new science in learning, memory, executive functioning, perception, and motor skills, making it one of the earliest and most prolific journals in neuropsychology. In honor of this history and spirit of discovery, the journal’s new publisher, SAGE Publications, has removed author fees for printed pages, and its new Editor J.D. Ball, Ph.D., is re-emphasizing brain-behavior studies. Prospective contributors should continue to address similar perceptual and motor skills content, but should direct new manuscripts toward theory and practice under broad conceptual themes of Development (Biological/Environmental), Clinical Problems (Assessment/Intervention), and Peak Performance (Learning/Sports).
This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
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The purpose of Perceptual and Motor Skills is to encourage scientific originality and creativity in the fields of perception, learning, and motor skills. Experimental or theoretical articles are welcomed. Perceptual and Motor Skills will assign manuscripts into three major sections, each with two subsections: Human Development (Biological/Environmental), Clinical Problems (Assessment/Intervention), and Peak Performance (Sports/Learning).
Oliver Runswick | King’s College London, UK |
Jennifer M. Flaherty | Eastern Virginia Medical School, USA |
Stuart Beattie | Bangor University, UK |
Ali Derakshanh | Golestan University, Iran |
Katie Fitton-Davies | Liverpool John Moores University, UK |
Vicky Gottwald | Bangor University, UK |
Yinxing Jin | Hainan Normal University, China |
Masaharu Kagawa | Kagawa Nutrition University, Japan |
Elmar Kal | Brunel University London, UK |
April Karlinsky | California State University-San Bernardino, USA |
Philip Kearney | University of Limerick, Ireland |
Sicong (Zone) Liu | South China Normal University, China |
Terry McMorris | University of Chichester, UK |
Haris Memisevic | University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina |
Chris Pocock | University of Chichester, UK |
Miguel Angel Gómez Ruano | Technical University of Madrid, Spain |
Donghyun Ryu | Seoul National University, South Korea |
Marie Simonet | ETH Zürich, Switzerland |
Harjiv Singh | University of Michigan, USA |
Robert J. Spencer | University of Michigan, USA |
Luke Wilkins | La Trobe University, Australia |
Nan-Ying Yu | I-Shou University, Taiwan |
Roger Adams | University of Canberra, Australia |
Neala Ambrosi-Randic | Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Croatia |
Gustavo Aires de Arruda | University of Pernambuco, Brazil |
Štefan Balkó | Jan Evangelista Purkyne University, Czech Republic |
Christopher Ballman | University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA |
Michele Barca | “Kore” University of Enna, Italy |
Gavin Buckingham | University of Exeter, UK |
Daniel das Virgens Chagas | Rio de Janeiro State University Brazil |
Germaine Cornelissen | University of Minnesota, USA |
Ali Derakhshanh | Golesstan University, Iran |
Henrik Gustafsson | Karstads University, Sweden |
Jennifer Hogg | University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, USA |
Ted Bruce Jaeger | Westminster College, USA |
Ya Hsien Ko | Asia Eastern University of Science and Technology (AEUST), Taiwan |
Philip Kolba | Volition Labs, USA |
Daniel Krause | University of Paderborn, Germany |
Constantino Loucaides | Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth, Cyprus |
James P. Loveless | Middle Tennessee State University, USA |
Logan Markwell | Research Collective, USA |
Takashi Mizuguchi | Shinshu University, Japan |
Diego Monteiro | Polytechnic of Leiria, Portugal |
Stephanie Nevin | Virginia Beach Neuropsychology USA |
Gleber Pereira | Universidade Positivo, Brazil |
Sanjram Premjit Khanganba | Indian Institute of Technology Indore, India |
Bruno Ramalho Oliveira | Gama Filho University, Brazil |
Esmaeel Saemi | Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran |
Katharine Seagly | Michigan Medicine, University of Michigan, USA |
David E. Sherwood | University of Colorado at Boulder, USA |
Ngien Siong Chin | Institute of Teacher Education Batu Lintang Campus, Malaysia |
Michael L. Stutts | Eastern Virginia Medical School, USA |
Luis Teixeira | University of Sao Paulo, Brazil |
Herbert Ugrinowitsch | Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil |
Robert Vaughan | York St. Johns University, England |
Eric Vlahov | University of Tampa, USA |
Martin Voracek | University of Vienna, Austria |
Michael Weinborn | University of Western Australia, Australia |
Gary Wilkerson | University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, USA |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.