Program Evaluation
Embedding Evaluation into Program Design and Development
Second Edition
- Susan P. Giancola - University of Delaware, USA
June 2025 | SAGE Publications, Inc
This text aims to build evaluation capacity by increasing knowledge about evaluation and improving skills to conduct evaluations. The book’s embedded approach uses program theory to understand relationships between activities and objectives, logic modeling to represent the program’s theory, and an evaluation matrix to structure the evaluation within the program. The approach is systematic and focused on continuous improvement. The Second Edition adds topics suggested by users of the book, incorporates content that the author has added to her own classes, and covers emerging areas in evaluation since the publication of the first edition such as artificial intelligence and equity in evaluation. A companion website at includes a number of instructor resources including editable PowerPoint slides and assignments.
Digital Resources
About The Author
About the Contributors
Section I: Introduction
Chapter 1: Evaluation Matters
Chapter 2: History of Evaluation
Chapter 3: Evaluation Ethics
Chapter 4: Evaluation Ideologies and Approaches
Section II: Embedded Evaluation – Planning and Design
Chapter 5: Define, Part 1
Chapter 6: Define, Part 2
Chapter 7: Plan, Part 1
Chapter 8: Plan, Part 2
Section III: Embedded Evaluation – Implementation and Use
Chapter 9: Implement, Part 1
Chapter 10: Implement, Part 2
Chapter 11: Interpret
Chapter 12: Inform and Refine
Section IV: Resources
Chapter 13: Case Study Applications
Chapter 14: Logic Model Examples
Appendices Special Topics
Appendix A: An Integrated MERLA (Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, Learning, and Adapting) Framework for Evidence-Based Program Improvement
Appendix B: Community Needs Assessment Among Latino Families in an Urban Public Housing Development
Appendix C: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Advance Implementation Science: Potential Opportunities and Cautions
Appendix D: How Mixed-Methods Research Can Improve the Policy Relevance of Impact Evaluations
Appendix E: Learning, Unlearning, and Sprinkling In: Our Journey with Equitable Evaluation