Public Health
Building Innovative Practice
- Linda J Jones - The Open University
- Jenny Douglas - The Open University
" analysis and use of information to improve health and wellbeing
" collaborative working to plan and implement programmes and interventions
" assessing evidence of effectiveness
" managing risk and reducing health inequalities
" reviewing and influencing public health policy.
Public Health: Building Innovative Practice provides students with knowledge and skills from which to build innovative practice. It is an ideal text for courses on public health and health promotion.
This is a considered, well-planned and structured text. It brings together a diverse group of authors - specialists in their fields to produce a 'mosaic' of different but compatible chapters to create a 'whole' which is readable, highly informative and really adds value for the public health student. The development of the text is effective and incremental, building logically and growing the knowledge and perspective of the learner incrementally. This text makes a strong theoretical contribution, drawing together knowledge and application, enabling the student/reader to understand the conceptual underpinnings of practice and the theoretical drivers for public health. I will use it and recommend in the course.
I used the book to prepare teaching sessions and it was added to the Students reading list
Linda Jones text was an excellent resource and was added to the reading list of recommeneded texts. Chapters covered aspects of public health and health promotion relevant to student nurses studying public health and health promotion for the first time. I particularly liked the personal questions requirng students to explore and relfect on their learning.
Good overview of public health issues and challenging practitioners on how to enhance and inform practice.
This is a very user friendly is comprehensive and popular with students. I like it a lot.
Recommended as supplementary book.
Language is simple, readable and understandable. Referencing is up to date at 2012. Well defined and broken down chapters. All contain boxes that look at a variety of topics relevant to that chapter and also question prompts that will be good for group or individual practice.
Examples given are set in the real world so easy to relate and transfer into practice if you have the power to do so! The question allow for reflection as a practitioner in your own work environment but also to consider at extended local and national level.
Relevant for all professional Public Health workers set in the community and for all students who are covering community health within there coursework.
We will start using this textbook in 2013 for selective courses (first covering about half of the 250 students mentioned before)
Well planned and organised approach to public health practice. Chapters are well designed to easily lead the student through defining public health, evidnece based prctice, community theories and education to future challenges.
Excellent resource for lecturer or student alike.