Sociology (General)
Sociology, an official journal of the British Sociological Association, is acknowledged as one of the leading journals in its field. For more than five decades, the journal has made a major contribution to the debates that have shaped the discipline and has an undisputed international reputation for publishing original research of the highest academic standard. The scope of Sociology is wide ranging - both geographically and substantively - and it includes shorter notes, comments, reviews of recent developments and book reviews as well as core theoretical and empirical research papers. It also publishes occasional special issues principally devoted to particular themes.
“Sociology has been an important venue for sociologists from around the world as well as from the UK. I am pleased to have been involved both as an author and as an international advisory board member, and I look forward to new issues with pleasure. Putting out a journal is always a balancing act, and Sociology has done very well in exploring cutting-edge themes while maintaining an impressive standard of quality.”
Raewyn Connell, University of Sydney, Australia
“Sociology is the journal for the sociologists working in the UK, for UK sociologists established internationally and for a global sociological readership. Anyone looking for evidence of the rigour, relevance and value of sociological research need look no further.”
Tom Hall, Cardiff University, UK
“Sociology continues to be one of, if not the leading journal for sociologists and others both in and well beyond the UK. It is very successful in attracting and publishing excellent papers dealing with cutting edge research and original ideas, which utilize wide range of empirical and theoretical approaches. I have read Sociology regularly since I was a student and it is hard to imagine being a sociologist without it. I come to each new issue with high expectations based on my trust in the strength of its editorial and peer reviewing practices, which mean that I can also be proud of having published in it.”
Sue Scott, York University, UK
“Sociology is a key journal in the discipline, representing not only the United Kingdom, but an international scope and perspective, with authors and reviewers from a range of backgrounds and locations. The editors have been very good to work with -- a solid and thoughtful review process, excellent choices. It has been and continues to be a pleasure to work with them in support of their fine work.”
Barbara Katz Rothman, City University of New York, USA
“It's honoured to be working as International Advisory Board Member of the journal.
And also pretty enjoyable experience for me to read every issue of the journal whose authors vary extensively from young, promising talents to expert veterans in the discipline.
It provides a great platform for authors and readers alike to be updated with some ongoing topics and to encounter with deep reflections of sociological endeavour, and above all to develop further discussions with global members.”
Hiroki Ogasawara, Kobe University, Japan
“Sociology as the flagship journal of the BSA makes an enormous contribution to the development of the discipline, sociological debates, creativity and ideas. The anniversary editions of the journal are a ‘must read’ reflecting the strengths of and challenges for sociology in contemporary times.”
Maggie O'Neill, York University, UK.
All issues of Sociology are available to browse online.
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The objective of Sociology is to publish outstanding and original peer-reviewed articles which advance the theoretical understanding of, and promote and report empirical research about the widest range of sociological topics. The journal encourages, and welcomes, submission of papers which report findings using both quantitative and qualitative research methods; articles challenging conventional concepts and proposing new conceptual approaches; and accounts of methodological innovation and the research process. Research Notes provide a means of briefly summarising results from recent or current studies or short discussions of methodological problems and solutions. Critical review essays and book reviews are seen as ways of promoting vigorous scholarly debate. While the journal is intended to serve the interests of members of the British Sociological Association, it does not restrict its coverage to issues about British society, nor does it require authors to be members of the BSA.
Vicki Harman | University of Reading, UK |
Robert Meadows | University of Surrey, UK |
Mark McCormack | Aston University, UK |
Umut Erel | The Open University, UK |
Selina Hisir | British Sociological Association, UK |
Guilia Berlusconi | University of Surrey, UK |
Rachel Brooks | University of Oxford, UK |
Kate Burningham | University of Surrey, UK |
Karen Gravett | University of Surrey, UK |
Sazana Jayadeva | University of Surrey, UK |
Andrew King | University of Surrey, UK |
Emily Setty | University of Surrey, UK |
Jill Timms | University of Surrey, UK |
Benjamin Abrams | University College London, UK |
Anson Au | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong |
Reza Azarian | Uppsala University, Sweden |
Bolaji Balogun | SOAS University of London, UK |
Pallavi Banerjee | University of Cambridge, UK |
Miia Bask | Uppsala University, Sweden |
Kalyan Bhandari | University of the West of Scotland, UK |
Baptiste Brossard | University of York, UK |
Ciaran Burke | University of the West of England, UK |
Sarah Burton | Robert Gordon University, UK |
Benedetta Cappellini | University of Durham, UK |
Sören Carlson | Europa-Universität Flensburg, Germany |
Elizabeth Cook | City, University of London, UK |
Isabel Crowhurst | University of Essex, UK |
Dean Curran | University of Calgary, Canada |
Katherine Davies | The University of Sheffield, UK |
Mark Davis | University of Leeds, UK |
Erin Early | University of Ulster, UK |
Mastoureh Fathi | University College Cork, Ireland |
Mark Featherstone | Keele University, UK |
Kirsty Finn | University of Manchester, UK |
Thais França | CIES-Iscte, Portugal |
Paraskevi-Viviane Galata | Hellenic Open University, Greece |
Deborah Giustini | KU Leuven, Belgium |
Shelene Gomes | University of the West Indies, South Africa |
Patricia Hamilton | University of York, UK |
Catherine Happer | University of Glasgow, UK |
Neal Harris | Oxford Brookes University, UK |
Alexander Hensby | University of Kent, UK |
Ansgar Hudde | University of Cologne, Germany |
Nicola Ingram | University College Cork, Ireland |
Anne-Marie Jeannet | University of Milan, Italy |
Minwoo Jung | Loyola University Chicago, USA |
Premalatha Karupiah | Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia |
Markus Klein | University of Strathclyde, UK |
Adrien Leguina | Loughborough University, UK |
Karen Lillie | Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Germany |
Yuwei Lin | University of Roehampton, UK |
Kelvin E.Y. Low | National University of Singapore, Singapore |
Rory Magrath | Solent University, Southampton, UK |
Benjamin Marent | University of Sussex, UK |
Nicholas Martindale | University of Oxford, UK |
Narzanin Massoumi | University of Exeter, UK |
Deni Mazrekaj | Utrecht University, Netherlands |
Derek McGhee | University of the Highlands and Islands, UK |
Kathryn Medien | The Open University, UK |
Baris Cayli Messina | University of Lincoln, UK |
Christian Morgner | University of Sheffield, UK |
Daniel Nehring | Swansea University, UK |
Barbara Barbosa Neves | University of Sydney, Australia |
Shannon Philip | University of Cambridge, UK |
Stacey Pope | Durham University, UK |
Steven Roberts | Monash University, Australia |
Francesca Romana Ammaturo | Coventry University, UK |
Steffen Roth | Kazimieras Simonavicius University, Vilnius |
Rima Saini | Middlesex University London, UK |
R Sanchez-Rivera | University of Cambridge, UK |
Balihar Sanghera | University of Kent, UK |
Karin Sardadvar | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany |
Laura Sartori | Unviersity of Bologna, Italy |
Gemma Scalise | University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy |
Bindi Shah | University of Southampton, UK |
Kiril Sharapov | Edinburgh Napier University, UK |
Natalia Slutskaya | University of Sussex, UK |
Abigail Tazzyman | Sheffield Methods Institute, University of Sheffield, UK |
Meghan Tinsley | University of Manchester, UK |
Martina Topic | University of Alabama, USA |
Laura Towers | University of Manchester, UK |
Mengwei Tu | Swansea University, UK |
Alexandrina Vanke | Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia |
Dirk vom Lehn | King’s College London, UK |
Alex Wood | University of Cambridge, UK |
Elisabetta Zontini | University of Florence, Italy |
Akosua Adomako Ampofo | University of Ghana, Ghana |
Jack Barbalet | Australian Catholic University, Australia |
Fernanda Beigel | Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina |
Talja Blokland | Humboldt University, Germany |
Breno Bringel | State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Yunsong Chen | Nanjing University, China |
Muriel Darmon | Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), France |
Bente Halkier | University of Copenhagen, Denmark |
Sari Hanafi | American University of Beirut, Lebanon |
Marcus Hunter | University of California, USA |
Kinneret Lahad | Tel Aviv University, Israel |
Kris Natalier | Flinders University, Australia |
Ann Nilsen | University of Bergen, Norway |
Buhm Soon Park | Korea Advanced Institute of Science, Korea |
Rhacel Salazar Parreñas | University of Southern California |
Sujatha Raman | Australian National University, Australia |
Nandini Sundar | Delhi School of Economics, India |
Sandra Torres | Linköping University, Sweden |
Sirpa Wrede | Westermarck Society, Finland |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.