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Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses

Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses

Published in Association with Canadian Corporation for Studies in Religion
Other Titles in:

eISSN: 20420587 | ISSN: 00084298 | Current volume: 54 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: Quarterly

Studies in Religion / Sciences Religieuses is a peer-reviewed, bilingual academic quarterly, serving scholars who work in a wide range of sub-fields in religious studies and theological studies. It publishes scholarly articles of interest to specialists, but written so as to be intelligible to other scholars who wish to keep informed of current scholarship. It also features articles that focus, in a timely and critically reflective manner, on intellectual, professional and institutional issues in the scholarly study of religion, as well as notices that inform scholars of activities and developments in religious studies and theological studies across Canada and throughout the world.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Studies in Religion / Sciences religieuses est une publication scientifique canadienne trimestrielle et bilingue au service des gens œuvrant dans les multiples champs des sciences religieuses et théologiques. Elle publie des articles d'intérêt pour les spécialistes des questions religieuses et théologiques, aussi accessibles à tout autre spécialiste désireux d'être informé des études actuelles. Elle propose également des articles abordant de manière critique et réfléchie, des problématiques d'ordre théorique, professionnel ou institutionnel, et informe des activités et des développements en matière de sciences religieuses et théologiques au Canada et dans le monde.

Submit your manuscript today at

Studies in Religion / Sciences Religieuses is a peer-reviewed, bilingual academic quarterly, serving scholars who work in a wide range of sub-fields in religious studies and theological studies. It publishes scholarly articles of interest to specialists, but written so as to be intelligible to other scholars who wish to keep informed of current scholarship. It also features articles that focus, in a timely and critically reflective manner, on intellectual, professional and institutional issues in the scholarly study of religion, as well as notices that inform scholars of activities and developments in religious studies and theological studies across Canada and throughout the world.

Studies in Religion / Sciences religieuses est une publication scientifique canadienne trimestrielle et bilingue au service des gens œuvrant dans les multiples champs des sciences religieuses et théologiques. Elle publie des articles d'intérêt pour les spécialistes des questions religieuses et théologiques, aussi accessibles à tout autre spécialiste désireux d'être informé des études actuelles. Elle propose également des articles abordant de manière critique et réfléchie, des problématiques d'ordre théorique, professionnel ou institutionnel, et informe des activités et des développements en matière de sciences religieuses et théologiques au Canada et dans le monde.

Xavier Gravend-Tirole University of Montreal, Canada
Zeba Crook Carleton University, Canada
English Language Book Review Editor
Brigidda Bell Moravian Theological Seminary, USA
French Language Book Review Editor
Jean-Jacques Lavoie UQAM, Canada
Assistant Editor
Isabelle Lemelin Cégep Édouard-Montpetit, Canada
Editorial Advisory Board
Barbra Clayton Mount Allison University, Canada
Alyshea Cummins University of Ottawa, Canada
Rodolfo Felices Luna Oblate School of Theology, USA
Ash Geissinger Carleton University , Canada
Patrick Hart University of Alberta, Canada
Pablo Irizar Carillo McGill University, Canada
Doris Kieser St. Joseph’s College, Canada
Solange Lefebvre University of Montreal, Canada
Ignace Ndongala Université de Montréal, Canada
Jean-Philippe Perreault Université Laval, Canada
Hanna Tervanotko McMaster University, Canada
  • Arts & Humanities Citation Index
  • Bulletin Signaletique
  • Centro de Investigaciones en Antropologia, Filosophica y Cultural
  • Current Contents / Arts & Humanities
  • Current Contents/ Arts & Humanities
  • IBZ: International Bibliography of Periodical Literature in the Humanities and Social Sciences
  • International Annual Bibliography of Festschriften
  • International Bibliography of Book Reviews of Scholarly Literature
  • International Review of Biblical Studies
  • L'Annee philologique
  • New Testament Abstracts
  • Old Testament Abstacts
  • Religion Index One: Periodicals
  • Religious and Theological Abstracts
  • Theology Digest
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.


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