Threads of Thinking
Schemas and Young Children's Learning
- Cathy Nutbrown - University of Sheffield, UK
Early Childhood Education
This book makes schema theory explicit in practice. Supported by numerous detailed examples and the discussion of difficult theoretical issues, it illustrates children's learning in areas such as literacy, maths and science.
This new edition includes:
- discussion on the need for professional development
- changes in early years pedagogy
- more discussion of theories of learning in relation to curriculum and teaching practices
- new examples of children's drawings
- new suggestions for using stories to support schemas.
Threads of Thinking is for early years practitioners who wish to support and develop children's learning.
Professor Cathy Nutbrown is Director of Studies in Early Childhood Education at the University of Sheffield.
Super book which will help students to understand what schema looks like in practice
Whether you choose to recognise the existance of schema, this text will certainly provoke reflection and perhaps bring about new strategies to engage children in their early play. Nutbrown answers questions in a straight forward and practical way , through observation and theory. Extensive reference section promotes further reading.
This book is a good introduction to schemas for early years workers, rather than parents. I am not sure that it's enhanced by the pedagogical features at the end of each chapter as the book uses questions a lot anyway. I particularly liked the section on 'continuity' and on 'working with parents'. Its strength is in making links with children's literature.
This is a fascinating book which will genuinely deepen students' understanding of children's learning.
Although mainly the same interesting new elements added - will continue to be a key book for module 4020.
Inspitational in approach in an area that is split in the sector over the amount of time and experiences children should have in the outdoors
A welcome update of an already excellent text
an excellent update of a core text
an excellent up date of a core text