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Tourism and Development

Tourism and Development

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

July 2015 | 1 296 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

Fundamental to the study of tourism is the relationship between tourism and development.  Tourism represents a major sector of the global economy and, as such, is considered by many to be an effective driver of economic growth and development in destination areas. Importantly, however, most destinations face what has been referred to as a ‘development dilemma’. Whilst the benefits afforded by tourism, including income, foreign exchange and government revenue generation, employment, economic linkages, infrastructural development and environmental enhancement, are recognised, so too are the negative consequences  of tourism development.


This Major Work illustrates tourism and development through a collection of key papers which have contributed to knowledge of and debates in this significant area of tourism studies. The literature is framed by an extensive introductory chapter which highlights the key concepts, themes and debates.


Volume One: The Tourism-Development Dilemma: The Benefits and Costs of Tourism

Volume Two: Tourism and Sustainable Development

Volume Three: Tourism Alternatives

Volume Four: Contemporary Tourism and Development Issues



Tourism’s Role in Economic Development: The Case Re-Examined

J. Diamond
Assessing the Impacts of Travel and Tourism – Measuring Economic Costs

Douglas Frechtling
Tourism and Income Distribution in East Africa

Adam Blake
Tourism Development and Economic Growth in Developing Countries

E. Ekanayake and Aubrey Long
A Conceptual Analysis of Tourism-Supported Employment Which Reduces the Incidence of Exaggerated, Misleading Statistics about Jobs

Neil Leiper
Tourism and Environmental Integration. The Journey from Idealism to Realism

R. Dowling
Global Environmental Consequences of Tourism

Stefan Gössling
Residents' Perceptions of the Cultural Benefits of Tourism

Antonia Besculides, Martha Lee and Peter McCormick
International Tourism and Cultural Change in South-East Asia

Robert Wood
Social Impacts of Tourism: An Australian Regional Case Study

Cesar Tovar and Michael Lockwood
Host Perceptions of Tourism: A Review of the Research

Richard Sharpley
Tourism and Development: Perplexity or Panacea?

Herbert Kariel
Small Island Tourism: Development or Dependency?

R. Bastin
Tourism, Capital and Place: Towards a Critical Geography of Tourism

S. Britton
Tourism in Cyprus: Challenges and Opportunities

Richard Sharpley
The Political Economy of Tourism.

A. Pleumarom
Sustainable Tourism: An Evolving Global Approach

Bill Bramwell and Bernard Lane
Sustainable Tourism: Research and Reality

Ralf Buckley
Tourism, Environment and Sustainable Development

Richard Butler
Ecotourism as Western Construct

Erlet Cater
Environment, Economy and Society: Fitting Them Together into Sustainable Development

Bob Giddings, Bill Hopwood and Geoff O’Brien
Sustainable Tourism and the Touristic Ecological Footprint

Colin Hunter
The Intellectual History of Development towards a Widening Potential Repertoire

Beniamin Knutsson
Sustainable Development: A Critical Review

Sharachchandram Lélé
Sustainable Tourism Development: A Critique

Zhenhua Liu
Some Fundamental Truths about Tourism: Understanding Tourism’s Social and Environmental Impacts

Bob McKercher
A Review of Utopian Themes in Sustainable Development Discourse

John Harlow, Aaron Golub and Braden Allenby
The Concept of Sustainable Development: Its Origins and Ambivalence

Carl Mitcham
Ecotourism for Sustainable Development: Oxymoron or Plausible Strategy?

Susan Place
Squaring the Circle? Some Thoughts on the Idea of Sustainable Development

John Robinson
The Five Dimensions of Sustainability

Lucas Seghezzo
Tourism and Sustainable Development: Exploring the Theoretical Divide

Richard Sharpley
The Growth and Spread of the Concept of Sustainable Tourism: The Contribution of Institutional Initiatives to Tourism Policy

A. Torres-Delgado and F. Palomeque
Developing a Conceptual Framework for Slow Travel: A Grounded Theory Approach

Les Lumsdon and Peter McGrath
A Critical Look at Community Based Tourism

Kirsty Blackstock
Alternative Tourism: Pious Hope or Trojan Horse?

R. Butler
The Mantra of ‘Community Participation’ in Context

Jim Butcher
Alternative Tourism: A Critique

E. Cohen
Ecotourism: A Status Report and Conceptual Framework

Glen Hvenegaard
Towards a More Desirable Form of Ecotourism

Mark Orams
Responsible Travel: Whose Responsibility?

Richard Sharpley
‘Exceptional Visitors’: Dimensions of Tourist Responsibility in the Context of New Zealand

Davina Stanford
Arguments for Community Participation in the Tourism Development Process

Cevat Tosun and Dallen Timothy
Wildlife-based Tourism, Ecology and Sustainability: A Tug-of-War among Competing Interests in Zimbabwe

Haretsebe Manwa
Ecotourism as Mass Tourism: Contradiction or Reality?

David Bruce Weaver
Alternative Tourism: A Deceptive Ploy

B. Wheeller
Ecotourism: Ethics or Eco-Sell?

Pamela Wright
Beyond Ecotourism: The Environmentally Responsible Tourist in the General Travel Experience

Sara Dolnicar and Patrick Long

The Future of Tourism and Globalisation: Some Critical Remarks

Julio Aramberri
Tourism, Development and Poverty Reduction in Guizhou and Yunnan

John Andrew Donaldson
Oil, the Global Economy and Tourism

Susanne Becken
Tourism and the Globalisation of Fear: Analysing the Politics of Risk and (in)Security in Global Travel

Raoul Bianchi
Tourism as a Tool for Poverty Alleviation: A Critical Analysis of ‘Pro-Poor Tourism’ and Implications for Sustainability

Stephanie Chok, Jim Macbeth and Carol Warren
Charity-based Voluntourism versus ‘Lifestyle’ Voluntourism: Evidence from Nicaragua and Malaysia

Bilge Daldeniz and Mark Hampton
Sustainable Supply Chain Management in Tourism

Xavier Font et al.
The Primacy of Climate Change for Sustainable International Tourism

C. Michael Hall, Daniel Scott and Stefan Gössling
Pro-Poor Tourism: A Critique

David Harrison
Self-Determination: Exercising Indigenous Rights in Tourism

Alison Johnston
Tourism and Development I: Globalization and Power

Kevin Hannam
New Tourism in a New Society Arises from ‘Peak Oil’

James Leigh
Pro-Poor Tourism in a First World Urban Setting: Case Study of Glasgow Govan

Richard Butler, Ross Curran and Kevin O’Gorman
Tourism and Governance in Small Island Developing States (SIDS): The Case of Zanzibar

Richard Sharpley and Miraji Ussi
Who Are We Responsible To? Locals’ Tales of Volunteer Tourism

Harng Luh Sin
Can Sustainable Tourism Survive Climate Change?

David Weaver