Using Narrative in Research
- Christine Bold - Liverpool Hope University, UK
Christine Bold's book examines narrative approaches across a range of research contexts and disciplinary boundaries and will be of equal value to practitioners and academic students and researchers alike.
Drawing on a range of real-life examples of narrative studies, Using Narrative in Research will enable readers to provide a sound justification for adopting a narrative-based approach and will help them to write about and write up narrative in research.
This book examines:
• How we design research projects with a narrative approach
• Ethics
• Narrative thinking
• Collecting narrative data
• Analysing narrative data
• Representation in narrative analysis
• Reporting and writing up narrative research.
This text on using Narrative in Research will be a very useful adjunct to core texts in teaching narrative research methods to post graduate students. The strength of Bold's approach is her systematic and comprehensive description of key narrative research approaches. She provides a clear outline of each approach with examples of data collection and analysis, including some of the pitfalls that can be encountered using different narrative methods. Thus, her text has advantages in offering a basic reference point for what is an often confusing field of research methodology.
Essential reading for those interested in undretaking research utilising the narrative approach
This book makes it clear what is meant by narrative research and examples from various different cases add to the understanding of what is being explained. In all an engaging read.
This is a brilliant starting point for every student who wants to explore the meaning and value of narratives in research. It includes a wide range of examples which provide very good insights into the design and use of narratives and provides students with a sound foundation to engage with this approach.
Clear comprehensive guide to those engaging in narrative research - the section on analysis has been found particularly helpful
This book provides insight into how to conduct Narrative research to those who are new to the approach. Clear description and easy to understand and adopt.
This is an excellent book to support students in undertaking the more narrative forms of education research - very accessible, with a range of illustrative examples throughout.
This book will be extremely useful as an introductory text for final year undergraduates and postgraduate students who are interested in using a narrative approach to their dissertations or research projects. This book will be recommended for supplemental reading for the module, and essential reading for those using a narrative approach.
Communicating academic perspectives of using narrative in research, by writing in the first person, I feel, opens new doors of understanding for research students and their mentors.
A useful text for level 6 and post graduate students in developing understanding of narrative within qualitative research approaches. It will have a specific purpose for those with a an interest in developing narrative as a form of enquiry within health reseacrh