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Who Will Save Our Schools?

Who Will Save Our Schools?
Teachers as Constructivist Leaders

January 1997 | 224 pages | Corwin
A constructivist leader facilitates professional dialogue and inquiry to enable all teachers to make sense of their work together and to reconstruct the major purposes of schooling. Illustrating their work with vignettes of the activities of such leaders, the authors of this book create a clear picture of constructivist teaching and leadership. They also formulate strategies for altering the school culture to accommodate constructivist leadership.
Examining the Context and Promise of Schooling
The Teacher as Constructivist Leader
Changing the System
A Prerequisite to Saving Our Schools

Constructing Understandings of Learning Communities
Essential Structures and Processes for Teacher Leadership and Systemic Change

Teaching as Leading
Who Sets the Learning Agenda
Issues of Power, Authority, and Control

Preparing the Constructivist Teacher Leader
The Future of Teaching, Leading, and Reform

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ISBN: 9780803964631
ISBN: 9780803964624