Administration & Society
Karen Hult | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA |
Administration & Society advances understanding of public and nonprofit organizations, their administrative processes, their effects on society, and their place in governing systems.
Today's Topics and Problems
For over fifty years, Administration & Society has served as a leading forum for the exchange of ideas and information on current topics, research questions, and philosophical dilemmas of interest to scholars and practitioners in public administration and related disciplines. Administration & Society publishes ten issues a year, providing up-to-date scholarship that enables researchers and practitioners to stay ahead in their fields.
In-Depth Analyses
Empirical research reports and theoretical articles provide thoughtful and significant analyses of administrative issues at the cross-national and international levels, and at the federal, state and local levels in the United States. Written by authors from a variety of fields, articles address such concerns as:
- political, social, economic, psychological forces that shape administrative goals and performance processes by which policies are formulated, implemented and changed
- relationships between societal groups and public and nonprofit organizations
- theory and practice of bureaucratic politics
- evaluation of the effects of policies on society
International and Interdisciplinary
Each issue of Administration & Society delivers the latest thinking in the study of public administration across disciplines and across the globe, reporting new research as it develops.
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Administration & Society seeks to further the understanding of public and human service organizations, their administrative processes, and their effect on society. The peer reviewed journal publishes empirically oriented research reports and theoretically specific articles that synthesize or contribute to the advancement of understanding and explanation in these fields. Of particular interest are (1) studies that analyze the effects of the introduction of administrative strategies, programs, change interventions, and training; and (2) studies of intergroup, interorganizational, and organization-environment relationships and policy processes.
Karen Hult | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA |
Adam Eckerd | Old Dominion University, USA |
Kyla Yeadon | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA |
Brian J. Cook | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA |
Gary L. Wamsley | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA |
Jennifer Alexander | Cleveland State University, USA |
Richard C. Box | University of Nebraska, Omaha, USA |
Barry Bozeman | Arizona State University, USA |
Lori A. Brainard | George Washington University, USA |
Thomas J. Catlaw | Public Administration Theory Network, USA |
Phillip J. Cooper | Portland State University, USA |
Terry L. Cooper | University of Southern California, USA |
Christine Demchak | U.S. Naval War College, USA |
Robert F. Durant | American University, USA |
Charles T. Goodsell | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA |
Mary Ellen Guy | University of Colorado, Denver, USA |
A. B. Hoflund | University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA |
Laura S. Jensen | Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA |
Donald F. Kettl | University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA |
Robert S. Kravchuk | Indiana University, USA |
Laurence E. Lynn Jr. | University of Texas, Austin, USA |
Rene McEldowney | Auburn University, USA |
Kenneth J. Meier | American University, USA |
Matthew S. Mingus | Western Michigan University, USA |
Rosemary O'Leary | University of Kansas, USA |
Laurence J. O'Toole Jr. | University of Georgia, USA |
B. Guy Peters | University of Pittsburgh, USA |
Jos C. N. Raadschelders | The Ohio State University, USA |
Hal G. Rainey | University of Georgia, USA |
Norma M. Riccucci | Rutgers University, Newark, USA |
Alasdair Roberts | University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA |
David H. Rosenbloom | American University, USA |
Mark Rutgers | University of Amsterdam, Netherlands |
Patricia Shields | (2001 - 2025) |
Michael Spicer | Cleveland State University, USA |
Camilla M. Stivers | Cleveland State University, USA |
Richard M. Walker | City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong |
William L. Waugh | Georgia State University, USA |
Edward Weber | Oregon State University, USA |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.