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Long Story Short

Fourth Edition

January 2025 | 416 pages | CQ Press
All the fundamentals. No fluff. Learn more with less!

AmGov: Long Story Short 
helps students learn the nuts and bolts of American Government. Unlike competitors, this bestseller responds to the need for quick studying and skimming with ten succinct chapters that make it easy to read, revisit, and return to content quickly. Reading aids like bullets, annotations, and arrows walk students through important facts and break up the material in short, engaging bites of information.

Though brief, the Fourth Edition of this core book is still robust and current enough to provide everything that students need to be successful in their American Government course. Whether for the on-the-go student who doesn’t have time to read and digest a lengthy chapter, or for the instructor who wants a book that will stay out of their way and leave room for plenty of supplementary reading and activities, AmGov provides a perfectly simplified foundation.
Read This First (or Nothing Else Will Make Sense)
1: Politics and Citizenship
1.1 Coming to Terms: Politics, Government, and Economics

1.2 Political-Economic Systems

1.3 POV: When Your Textbook Makes Certain Assumptions About the World That May Be Different from Your Own

1.4 American Political Culture

1.5 American Political Ideologies

1.6 Political Narratives and the Media

1.7 Mediated Citizenship

Big Think

Key Terms

2: The United States’ Founding
2.1 Classical Liberalism, the Social Contract, and the Declaration of Independence

2.2 The Articles of Confederation

2.3 The Constitutional Convention

2.4 Ratification

2.5 Translating Basic Constitutional Principles Into a New Government

2.6 Federalism

2.7 The Evolution of Federalism

Big Think

Key Terms

3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights
3.1 The Bill of Rights

3.2 Civil Liberties–Understanding the First Amendment

3.3 Civil Liberties–Understanding Due Process Rights

3.4 Civil Liberties–Understanding the Right to Privacy

3.5 Civil Rights–Battling Political Inequality

3.6 Civil Rights–The Case of Race

3.7 Civil Rights–The Case of Gender

3.8 The Persistence of Inequality in America

Big Think

Key Terms

4: The Legislative Branch
4.1 How the Constitution Structures Congress

4.2 How Congress Organizes Itself

4.3 The Congressional Role in Checks and Balances

4.4 Doing the Hard Work of Making Laws

4.5 Tensions That Challenge Congress’s Ability to Do Its Job

4.6 Congressional Elections

4.7 Who Runs and Who Wins?

Big Think

Key Terms

5: The Executive Branch
5.1 The Job of the American President

5.2 The Evolution of the American Presidency

5.3 Presidents, Popularity, and Congress

5.4 What Is Bureaucracy, and Why Do We Need It?

5.5 The Purpose and Organization of the White House Bureaucracy

5.6 The Purpose and Organization of the Federal Bureaucracy: The Rest of the Executive Branch

5.7 Power Plays in the Bureaucracy

Big Think

Key Terms

6: The Judicial Branch
6.1 Kinds of Laws

6.2 The American Legal System

6.3 Who’s Who and What’s What in a Court of Law?

6.4 Equality and the Criminal Justice System

6.5 The Constitution, Congress, and the Dual Court System

6.6 The Supreme Court

Big Think

Key Terms

7: Parties and Interest Groups
7.1 Parties and Interest Groups Defined

7.2 The Role of Parties in a Democracy

7.3 Party Organization and Decision Making

7.4 The Parties Today

7.5 Interest Group Basics

7.6 Interest Group Politics

7.7 Was Madison Right to Worry?

Big Think

Key Terms

8: Public Opinion, Campaigns, and Elections
8.1 The Quality of Public Opinion

8.2 How Do We Know What Americans Think?

8.3 How Do We Form Our Opinions?

8.4 The Ultimate Poll–Voting in U.S. Elections

8.5 Presidential Elections

8.6 The General Election and the Electoral College

Big Think

Key Terms

9: Media and Political Communication
9.1 Where We Get Our Information

9.2 Media Ownership and Government Regulation

9.3 What Do Journalists Do?

9.4 How Those in the Media Can Shape Political Narratives

9.5 The Stakeholders Strike Back

9.6 Imagine: How Citizens Can Reclaim the Narrative

Key Terms

10: Domestic and Foreign Policy
10.1 Making Public Policy

10.2 Social Policy

10.3 Policy Making for Health Care

10.4 Economic Policy

10.5 Foreign Policy

Big Think

Key Terms



Instructor Resources
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  • Test banks
  • Editable chapter-specific PowerPoint® slides
  • Lecture notes
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I've been using AmGov: Long Story Short since the first edition, and have stayed with it because my students read, engage, and learn more than with any other textbook I've used. Never before have I had students writing to me solely to tell me how much they are enjoying the text. In my anonymous end-of-semester surveys most students report that they’ve done more reading than they do with other textbooks. And their mastery of the material bears it out. Being shorter doesn't mean AmGov is short on content. It covers the material effectively and engagingly. It meets students where they are without talking down to them, and they come away knowledgeable, not thinking government is just another boring class they have to take, but instead is a vital, even an interesting, part of their lives.

The Vantage digital materials are easy to set up and highly flexible, providing as much or as little as a faculty member wants to assign. Basic knowledge checks, data exercises, short videos, thinking problems and chapter quizzes are all excellent and timely and, again, get outstanding reviews from my students. Anyone looking for a text that students will actually read, engage with, and learn from can do no better than AmGov: Long Story Short.

Patrick Moore
Dallas College - Richland Campus

AmGov looks and feels like a quick reference guide, but when you read and teach from it you discover the information is indeed quite complete for an introductory-level course. Students appreciate being directed by their reading to the main points and punchlines (mirroring some aspects of how they might normally collect information online), while instructors have enough room to put the information in their own voice, without feeling compelled to fill in gaps.

Bruce A. Hunt
Angelo State University

My initial choice for Barbour's wonderful book was its brevity and attractive layout. My big surprise was how well it's actually written. The narrative is fresh and readable. The graphics are colorful and engaging. AmGov: Long Story Short organizes the lessons into digestible nuggets which is perfect for contemporary students. And it does all of this while still elevating the discussion. AmGov explores some very sophisticated concepts in political science in a very accessible way.
I have used this book in-class and on online and the students have universally reported positive feedback. One of my colleagues began using this book last semester based on my recommendation and he came into my office recently singing its praises!

Brett Sharp
University of Central Oklahoma

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapters 1 and 2