Baker A. Rogers Georgia Southern University
Baker A. Rogers is an Associate Professor of Sociology at Georgia Southern University. Their research focuses on inequality, specifically examining the intersections of gender, sexuality, and religion in the U.S. South. Their book, Conditionally Accepted: Christians’ Perspectives on Sexuality and Gay and Lesbian Civil Rights, was released with Rutgers University Press in December 2019, their book,
Trans Men in the South: Becoming Men, was released with Lexington Books in January 2020, and their book,
King of Hearts: Drag Kings in the American South, was released with Rutgers University Press in 2021. Their work is also published in
Men and Masculinities; Journal of Interpersonal Violence; Gender & Society; Qualitative Sociology; Sociological Inquiry; International Journal of Transgenderism; Sexualities; Review of Religious Research; International Journal of Social Research Methodology; and
Feminist Teacher.
Frequency: 5 Times/Year