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David Barton Swansea University, UK

David Barton is now retired and was formerly Associate Professor and Academic Lead in the Department of Nursing, School of Human & Health Science, Swansea University. David qualified as an RGN at Kings College Hospital and then specialised in critical care nursing. He worked in Intensive Care in both Carmarthen and Swansea before becoming a Nurse Lecturer at the University of Wales Swansea in 1989. David’s academic and scholarly interests have focused particularly on advanced clinical nursing and he has worked to develop nursing networks in Wales and the UK. He is the Chair of the Association of Advanced Nursing Practice Educators (AANPE), and is actively involved with the Modernising Careers agenda at a strategic level both in Wales and nationally. He has also published widely in journals and textbooks. Recently David has taken the lead in managing the Department of Nursing at Swansea University, promoting the educational and research agenda students at pre and post registration level, and from undergraduate to doctoral level. Throughout his career as a lecturer he has maintained his clinical practice, working regularly in Intensive Care.