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Davita Silfen Glasberg University of Connecticut, USA

Davita Silfen Glasberg is a Professor and Chair of the Sociology Department at the University of Connecticut-Storrs. She has published extensively on issues of bank hegemony, the state in finance capitalism, and political economy, including The Power of Collective Purse Strings: The Effects of Bank Hegemony on Corporations and the State (University of California Press). She is also deeply involved in research regarding the social constructions of race, class, and gender. I am currently working on a book about power, oppression, and the state, which explores this question. She has co-authored the following college texts:

  • Kenneth J. Neubeck , Mary Alice Neubeck , and Davita Silfen Glasberg , Social Problems (5 th edition). 2007. New York : McGraw-Hill.
  • Kenneth J. Neubeck and Davita Silfen Glasberg . 2005. Sociology: Diversity, Conflict, and Change . New York : McGraw-Hill.