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Diego Jarquin University of Nebraska - Lincoln, USA

Dr. Jarquin obtained his BSc in Statistics (2004) from Chapingo Autonomous University, MSc in Statistics (2006) and PhD in Statistics (2012) from Graduate's College (Mex). He then joined the Section on Statistical Genetics (2012) where he did his postdoctoral training at University of Alabama at Birmingham. In 2013, he joined the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture at University of Nebraska-Lincoln as Postdoctoral Research Associate.

Since January 2017, Diego Jarquin was promoted to Research Assistant Professor at UNL. Jarquin’s research interests are centered around statistical learning methods for predicting complex traits especially problems that allow the inclusion of high dimensional genomic and environmental information and their interactions. One of his main areas of expertise is the study of the genotype × environment interaction in prediction problems.