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Warnaby, Gary

Gary Warnaby University of Manchester, UK

Gary Warnaby is a senior lecturer in marketing at the University of Liverpool Management School in the UK. Drawing on a variety of academic disciplines, including social and cultural geography, architecture, sociology and public administration - as well as more traditional management sub-disciplines - his research interests include the marketing of places (in particular the marketing of towns and cities as retail destinations, the marketing and management of the urban experience, and the representation of places in marketing communications activities), town-centre management, and retailing more generally. Results of this research have been published in academic journals including Environment and Planning A, Journal of Marketing Management, European Journal of Marketing, Cities, Local Economy, Area, Marketing Theory and the International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, as well as a variety of professional and trade publications.  He as a co-author of the recently-published Relationship Marketing: A Consumer Experience Perspective