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Some subscription journals charge authors page or publication charges to publish their article. There has been ambiguity when an article, from one of these journals, has any of these associated costs as well as open access (OA) as to what should be charged. Therefore, Sage is clarifying its policy on the subject (July 2022).
There are two ways an article in a subscription journal can publish OA, one is through requesting to publish your article OA, this is called Sage Choice, or the article may have been identified as part of one of our Open Access Sales Deals (OASD).
Independence with Impact
Building on Sage's tradition of publishing high-quality scholarly works for more than 35 years, we are concentrating our efforts on providing upper-level undergraduate and graduate textbooks, handbooks, and professional books. Our Books Division also includes the Sage Reference program, which publishes encyclopedias and other reference works.
SAGE provides researchers with a wealth of content on innovative, user-friendly online platforms. Find books and reference with ease on SAGE Knowledge, or compare complex data series with a few easy clicks on Data Planet.
SAGE Premier is the largest journals package offered by SAGE. It includes international, peer-reviewed journals, including high-impact research titles published on behalf of over 400 scholarly and professional societies. Its interdisciplinary coverage is unparalleled, spanning subject areas including business; humanities; social sciences; science, technology, medicine; and many more.
SAGE offers you the opportunity to deliver high quality, yet cost-effective, content from one of our 1,000 peer-reviewed journals delivered to your target audience. Customization options include:
The Sage Choice program offers authors the option to publish their article open access in hybrid Sage subscription journals. It also enables authors to comply with funding body requirements, where publishing research papers open access is a stipulation of funding, while still publishing their article in the hybrid journal of their choice.
The Sage Data Station is an FTP site that contains regularly updated bibliographic information and cover images for all Sage titles.