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306 Results Found for "CO4"



Adam Matthew announces an exclusive agreement with California State University, Fresno to digitize the Donald G. Larson Collection

Marlborough, England - Digital primary sources publisher, Adam Matthew, today announced the digitization of one of the largest World’s Fairs collections in the world: the Donald G. Larson Collection at the Henry Madden Library, California State University, Fresno.

SAGE Book Content Open Access Archiving Policy

The table below summarises the open access archiving policy for book content published by SAGE.

The policy outlined below has been developed to enable authors of SAGE books and Institutional Repository Managers to easily identify what book content can be archived under what terms. For the archiving of content outlined below in open access archives, no additional, specific permission to archive is required.

The Journal of Comorbidity to be published by SAGE Publishing

SAGE Publishing can announce today that it is to begin publishing The Journal of Comorbidity (JOC). The first SAGE issue of the open access journal will publish in July 2018.

JOC is dedicated to studies that will improve the health and wellbeing of those affected with comorbidity and multimorbidity. The journal is a global information resource that focuses on different aspects of medicine in order to publish the optimum research for dealing with comorbidity and multimorbidity.

High-pitched sounds cause seizures in old cats

When the charity International Cat Care asked veterinary neurologists at Davies Veterinary Specialists, UK, for help with several enquiries it had received regarding cats having seizures, seemingly in response to certain high-pitched sounds, the answer was that the problem was not documented and little, if anything, was known about it.

Reviewer Rewards

We are grateful for the work that all of our reviewers do to help authors enhance and develop their papers and support the integrity of the publishing process. We recognize and reward the invaluable contribution you provide when you review for Sage.
