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37 Results Found for "Computing"


SAGE Announces Video and Data Additions to Award Winning Research Methods Resource  

SAGE Publishing announces today the release of SAGE Research Methods Datasets Part 2, a collection of 300 new datasets that demonstrate how-to support for data analysis, and SAGE Research Methods Video: Data Science, Big Data Analytics, and Digital Methods. With these additions, SAGE adds to its growing collection of resources that aid in the facilitation of data source training and data comprehension and analysis.  

SAGE Ocean announces its first ever Concept Grant winners

Over $100,000 of funding awarded to support the development of new tools to help social scientists work with big data

SAGE Ocean has announced the winners of its first ever Concept Grants: Quanteda Studio, MiniVAN and Digital DNA Toolbox. Each winner has been awarded $35,000 to support the development of their project.

Computer game reduces issues associated with AD/HD in children in China

New research marks the 1000th article published in SAGE Open

Los Angeles, CA. Children diagnosed with AD/HD can improve their behavior and social interactions in the classroom by playing a computer game that exercises their concentration, finds new research out today. The study marks the 1000th article published in SAGE Open, a peer-reviewed, open-access journal launched in 2011 which covers the full spectrum of the social and behavioral sciences and the humanities.

CQ Researcher Report on Combat Journalism Wins 2014 Mirror Award

Los Angeles, CA - CQ Researchercontributing writer Frank Greve was honored yesterday with the 2014 John M. Higgins Award for Best In-Depth/Enterprise Reporting on the media industry, presented by the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University.

New SAGE Research Methods Video collection teaches essential research skills and accelerates professional development

SAGE Publishing is delighted to announce the launch of a new collection of streaming videos hosted on the SAGE Research Methods (SRM) platform, Practical Research and Academic Skills. Building upon SAGE’s extensive history of methods publishing across the wide range of the social and behavioral sciences, the videos teach the foundational skills needed to conduct research at any level and to succeed in academic life.

SAGE Publishing sponsors Public Editor to enable evaluation of the news at scale

SAGE Publishing today announces a $50,000 sponsorship of Public Editor, a high-scale content analysis tool that involves digital volunteers in multi-layered, simultaneous assessments of news articles. A nonpartisan project, the tool uses transparent, neutral criteria to pinpoint the strengths and weaknesses of news articles resulting in credibility scores for the news.

Ziyad Marar, President of Global Publishing at SAGE commented:
