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37 Results Found for "Sociology"


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Award-winning resources for Canadian post-secondary education

Access the award-winning SAGE Video and SAGE Research Methods collections in health and social wellness curated to meet the diverse needs of Canadian faculty and students. Providing a well-rounded academic experience that informs social welfare, policy, and healthcare, SAGE digital library products support a comprehensive learning experience through varied and interdisciplinary content for enhancing any course modality, as well as research projects. 

Social Sciences & Humanities

Since our founding in 1965, Sage has passionately advocated for the social sciences. Sage has developed a high-quality portfolio of journals across the social science disciplines, publishing the work of many leading authors, researchers and societies across the field, disseminating their research globally and nurturing emerging disciplines such as urban affairs and behavioural science.

Sage 学科资源中心

Sage 全新学科资源中心现已上线!Sage学科资源中心旨在通过学科分类将大量出版内容集中并清晰地呈现,以便于研究人员、图书管理员和作者查找和浏览所需内容和资源。Sage学科资源中心将借助网站优化及相关技术,提升用户在Sage期刊网站内检索出版资源的使用体验,有效促进和提升相关期刊的使用率。


Discipline hub


Here you’ll find all the information you need to support your teaching, whether it’s locating the ideal textbook or supplemental material, ordering an inspection copy, or contacting your local representative for one-to-one advice.

Conferences and Events


See below for a list of conferences and events that we attended or hosted in China in 2022.

Open Call for Papers

Looking to publish in a Special Issue for even more impact? Our website is regularly updated with the latest general and special issue call for papers across our Social Science, Humanities, Science, Technology, and Medicine journals. Make sure you read the relevant journal’s Aims & Scope and Manuscript Submission Guidelines before submitting and contact the journal’s editorial office with any queries about your article.

Sage Handbooks: The Latest Releases

SAGE Handbooks are edited collections of specially commissioned chapters that are intended to be reviews, accounts or audits of a discipline or sub-discipline. Each Handbook chapter has breadth, depth, and multiplicity as well as illuminating a theme and identifying  key questions within the discipline.

Browse our latest Handbook publications and forthcoming titles, and enjoy savings when you purchase multi-volume Handbooks pre-publication!

Business & Management Studies

Rate Cards

The following is a complete list of SAGE journals listed by alphabetic order. Click on each letter then journal title to link to the individual rate card.

Open Editor Positions

At Sage Publishing, we are committed to being an inclusive organization where all individuals are treated with fairness and respect. We believe that diversity is one of the cornerstones of a vibrant culture and we seek to promote the benefits of diversity in all of our activities. We welcome applications for our open editor positions from people of all backgrounds, irrespective of age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, nationality, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief. 
