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288 Results Found for "UK0"


SAGE publishes UK gender pay gap report

Today, SAGE Publishing has released its gender pay gap report for the UK business, in line with the new UK Government initiative. On 5 April 2017, the median gender pay gap between men and women at SAGE UK was 14.5%, lower than the UK national median of 18.4%.

Katharine Jackson, COO and CFO for SAGE UK commented:

The Conversation in the UK celebrates its first year

Independent news analysis and commentary site The Conversation celebrates its first birthday in the UK today and also welcomes Alice Roberts, Professor of Public Engagement in Science, as a Patron.

The Conversation was launched in the UK on 16 May 2013 as a collaboration between professional editors and academics. It provides the public with rolling coverage of news and access to new information about cutting-edge research as it becomes available.

Socialism on Film: “See the other side of the world”

Rare film footage digitised from the British Film Institute National Archive

Marlborough, UK. View the world through a communist lens – rare film footage from the twentieth century forms a new unrivalled collection enabling comparative global research: Socialism on Film: The Cold War and International Propaganda.

Essay competition announced for members of the Scottish Association for the Study of America

Adam Matthew sponsors new American Studies competition with collection access and £500 prize

(Marlborough, UK) Adam Matthew are pleased to announce a new essay competition in partnership with the leading association on American Studies in Scotland, the Scottish Association for the Study of America (SASA). The essay competition is aimed at postgraduate students, early career researchers and independent researchers in the field of American Studies.

From invasions and civil wars to revolutions and revolts

Explore a rich period of Middle Eastern history through complete runs of British Government Foreign Office Files

Marlborough, UK. Formerly classified documents on the Middle East from the British Government’s Foreign Office have been published in Foreign Office Files for the Middle East, 1971-1981 – an online teaching and research collection from award-winning publisher, Adam Matthew.

The East India Company: Rise to Demise

Newly digitised archive reveals the colourful history of the East India Company and the challenges of a globalising world

Marlborough, UK  (17th January 2017). From its trade origins in the East and rise to become the world’s most powerful company and de facto ruler of India, to its demise amongst allegations of greed and corruption, the latest online collection from Adam Matthew reveals the East India Company’s rich history through archival material sourced exclusively from the British Library, London.

Adam Matthew publishes UK government Foreign Office files exposing a unique history of the Middle East in the 1970s

Foreign Office Files for the Middle East, 1971-1981 - there is simply no other place where one can find the same breadth and depth of historical records for the region online
– Michael Gasper, Occidental College

(Marlborough, UK) Containing complete runs of Foreign Office files from the UK government's official archives, this timely online collection provides an expansive and unique view of key events across the region, and their impact on global politics and everyday life.

Adam Matthew and the British Association of American for American Studies launch new essay competition

Adam Matthew sponsors exclusive North American studies competition with collection access and £500 prize

(Marlborough, UK). Adam Matthew are pleased to announce a new essay competition in partnership with the leading association on American Studies in the UK, the British Association of American Studies (BAAS). The essay competition is aimed at postgraduate students, early career researchers and independent researchers in the field of North American history.

Digital collection now complete for: First World War Portal

Adam Matthew releases Visual Perspectives and Narratives

Marlborough, England - Adam Matthew announced today that they have released The First World War: Visual Perspectives and Narratives, the final section of its acclaimed First World War Portal, sourced from the unparalleled archives of the Imperial War Museum, London.
