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Developing Research Proposals

Developing Research Proposals

First Edition
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January 2012 | 160 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

Writing a research proposal is one of the most important tasks facing academics, researchers and postgraduate students. Yet there is a good deal of misinformation and a great lack of guidance about what constitutes a good research proposal and what can be done to maximise one's chances of writing a successful research proposal.


Denicolo and Becker recognise the importance of developing an effective research proposal for gaining either a place on a research degree programme or funding to support research projects and set out to explore the main factors that that proposal writers need to attend to in developing successful proposals of their own.


Developing Research Proposals will help readers to understand the context within which their proposal will be read, what the reviewers are looking for and will be influenced by, while also supporting the development of relevant skills through advice and practical activities.


This book:

  • Explores the nature and purpose of different kinds of proposals
  • Focuses on the actual research proposed
  • Discusses how best to carry out and structure the literature review
  • Examines the posing and phrasing of research questions and hypotheses
  • Looks at how methods and methodology should be handled in a proposal
  • Discusses the crucial issues of planning, strategy and timing in developing targeted proposals

Denicolo and Becker draw together the key elements in the process of preparing and submitting a proposal and concludes with advice on responding to the results, successful or not, and their relevance to future proposals.

The Success in Research series, from Cindy Becker and Pam Denicolo, provides short, authoritative and accessible guides on key areas of professional and research development.  

Avoiding jargon and cutting to the chase of what you really need to know, these practical and supportive books cover a range of areas from presenting research to achieving impact, and from publishing journal articles to developing proposals. They are essential reading for any student or researcher interested in developing their skills and broadening their professional and methodological knowledge in an academic context.


Intended Readers

Overview of the Rook

The Task Before You

What is a Research Proposal?
A Pervasive Task Defined

A Celebration of Difference

First Steps in Meeting the Needs of Your Readership

Finding out about Research Degree Opportunities

Finding out about Research Funding Opportunities

General Preliminary Explorations

Skills Inventory

When Is a Research Proposal Required and Why?

Sources of Funding

Gaining a Richer View of Funders' Requirements

Gaining Financial Awards for Study

Identifying Potential Supervisors/Advisors

Securing a Place on a Higher Degree by Research Programme

Sections Within a Proposal - What Funders or Research Degree Reviewers Are Looking for

Main Features of Proposals

What Are the Key Aspects of Proposal Preparation?

The Title, Abstract and Covering Letter

The Body of the Proposal - Audience and Style

Developing Your Proposal Draft

Language Register, Voice and Verb Tense

The Conceptual Framework

Stages in the Production of Proposal - Advance Planning

The Constraints of Time

What Should Be Included in the Introduction, Rationale and Literature Review?
Orientating Your Reader to Your Purpose

The Introduction

The Rationale

Preparing for the Literature Review

The Literature Review Itself

The Process of Searching the Literature

Constructing Your Argument

What Is the Significance of the Aims, Objectives, and Research Questions/Hypotheses?
Level of Specificity Required

Clarification of Terms - Aims and Objectives

Research Questions and Hypotheses


Why Paradigm Identification Is Important

The Link between Aims/Objectives and Research Questions/Hypotheses

What Should Be Included in the Methodology/Research Implementation Sections?
Consistency between Purpose and Procedures

Clarification of 'Shorthand' Terms

Methodology - Approach and Justification

Consistency and Justification

Research Using Positivist Approaches

Presenting and Analysing Quantitative Results

Research Using Interpretivist Approaches

Presenting and Analysing Qualitative Results

Using the Right Language

Ethical Considerations

Evaluation Plan

What Financial Considerations Are Required?
The Ground Rules of Budgeting

The Financial Demands of a Research Degree Project

Financial Considerations for All Researchers

Types and Styles of Budgets for Funding Applications

Key Elements of the Budget: Personnel

Key Elements of the Budget: Operating Costs

The Budget after Submission of the Proposal

What Planning and Organisation Details Are Required?
Establishing Goals and Deadlines

Project Planning and Time Management

Implementation Plans

Research Governance

People Management

Schedules and Timelines

Who Are the other Potential Contributors to and Referees for Your Project?
Building Professional Relationships

Building on Overviews of Requirements

Making Contacts and Seeking Help

Developing Collaborations and Partnerships

The Review Process

What Reviewers Are Seeking from Proposals

Reality Check - Grit Your Teeth!

Where Does It End? Reactions, Reflections and Anticipations
After Submission

Receiving Feedback from Reviewers

Reasons for Rejection

Responding to Feedback

Back to the Beginning

The Continuous Cycle of Proposal Writing

Appendix 1 Funding Sources

Appendix 2 Resources





Success in Research free tools

A collection of free tips, exercises and resources from all books in the Success in Research series

A Excellent book, I particularly like the glossary of terms at the back, which will be very useful to the students.

Dr Denis Feather
Huddersfield University Business Schl, Huddersfield University
November 19, 2012

A very good book for beginner researchers, or students planning a small scale research project. Some sections are more relevant to PhD proposals, however there are lots of areas of useful information for other researchers new to their fields of knowledge.

Mr David Leask
Education , University of Manchester
November 5, 2012

This book touches upon interesting issues in writing a proposal. It is not tailored enough to the requirements my graduate school uses, nor does it give information on methodology.

Dr Hilde Tobi
Research Methodology Group, Wageningen University
September 27, 2012

Useful text covers essentials of research proposals, well written

Mr Andrew Holmes
Centre for Life-Long Learning, Hull University
June 27, 2012

Useful book for those preparing bids or preparing course based proposals
Relevant to all career researchers, not just early, and those preparing their first postgraduate research proposal
Summary boxes are useful to readers whilst I found that the activities although aimed at individual readers could also be used in class based delivery of post graduate research courses
Welcome addition to the series ‘success in research’ that takes practical and realistic perspective on preparing research bids which can be a dispiriting endeavour

Mr Kevin Hugill
School of Health, Central Lancashire University
June 26, 2012

An straightforward uncomplicated book. Helps unravel how research proposals are constructed

Mr Stefan Brown
Department of Health and Social Care, Royal Holloway, University of London
June 21, 2012

I liked this text as it was user-friendly and I'm sure it will help students to plan their research projects effectively.

Mrs Kathleen Tate
Teacher Education, Burnley College
June 16, 2012

This is a topic on which guidance is often sought and this book will be of assistance to numerous neophyte researchers.

Dr Stephen Goss
Metanoia Institute, Centre for Practice Based Research, Middlesex University
May 29, 2012

An excellent text that provides useful practical elements to develop research skills. Recommended to students.

Mrs Jackie Chivers
Adult Continuing Education, Swansea University
May 21, 2012

Denicolo and Becker demonstrate how to do a ‘polished’ research proposal including detailed illustration on preparation and finally writing it. Suitable for master’s and doctoral degree studies including a range of practical advice and reflection points. This book will help a great deal to become a successful researcher.

Mrs Paivi Valtonen
Education , Grimsby Institute of Further and Higher Education
May 4, 2012

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter One

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ISBN: 9780857028662

ISBN: 9780857028655

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