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Empirical Studies of the Arts

Empirical Studies of the Arts

Other Titles in:
Aesthetics | Psychology of Art

eISSN: 15414493 | ISSN: 02762374 | Current volume: 42 | Current issue: 2 Frequency: Bi-annually
Empircal Studies of the Arts aims to be a interdisciplinary forum for theoretical and empirical studies of aesthetics, creativity, and all of the arts. Anthropological, psychological, semiotic, and sociological studies of the creation, perception, and appreciation of literary, musical, and visual art forms. Whether you are an active researcher or an interested bystander, Empirical Studies of the Arts keeps you up to date on the latest trends in scientific studies of the arts.

This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Empirical Studies of the Arts is the official Journal of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics. The Journal serves as a forum for empirical studies of aesthetics, creativity, and all the arts as examined by researchers in all of the social sciences. As well as research reports, the Journal publishes theoretical and review articles. Research reports are quantitative or qualitative depending upon the methods employed by the researcher. All articles are oriented toward a general audience, so that scholars in allied disciplines such as philosophical aesthetics, literary and art criticism, etc. who are interested in current developments in empirical aesthetics can keep abreast of the field.

From the start, Empirical Studies of the Arts has aimed to be an inclusive central repository for high quality research reports, reviews, and theoretical articles. One of the main reasons for starting the Journal was the perception that work on scientific aesthetics is too widely scattered. Thus, for example, psychologists or anthropologists may not hear for many years about interesting new developments in sociology for the simple reason that they do not regularly read sociology journals. This lack of communication has impeded progress in empirical aesthetics, as it would be difficult to argue that the arts can be adequately understood from the perspective of any single discipline.

Rebecca Chamberlain Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
Action Editor
Aenne Brielmann Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Germany
Editor Emeritus
Colin Martindale Department of Psychology, University of Maine, USA
Board of Advisory Editors
Gerald Cupchik University of Toronto Scarborough, Canada
Holger Hoge Department of Psychology, Oldenburg University, Germany
Marcos Nadal University of the Balearic Islands, Spain
George Shortess Department of Psychology, Lehigh University, USA
Dean K. Simonton University of California, Davis, USA
Editorial Board
Anjan Chatterjee Department of Neurology and Neuroscience, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Jennifer Drake Brooklyn College, CUNY, USA
Fatima Felisberti Kingston University, UK
Thalia Goldstein George Mason University, USA
Paul Hekkert Department of Industrial Design, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
Diane Humphrey King's University College at The University of Western Ontario, Canada
Stacey Humphries Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
Thomas Jacobsen University of Leipzig, Germany
James C. Kaufman University of Connecticut, USA
Aaron Kozbelt Brooklyn College, CUNY, USA
Helmut Leder University of Vienna, Austria
Raymond A. Mar York University, Canada
Manuela Marin University of Innsbruck and University of Vienna, Austria
I. C. McManus Department of Psychology, University College London, UK
Diana Omigie Goldsmiths, University of London, UK
Guido Orgs University of London, UK
Rolf Reber University of Oslo, Norway
Paul Silvia Department of Psychology, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA
Branka Spehar UNSW Sydney, Australia
Pablo P. L. Tinio Montclair State University, USA
Ralf Weber Dresden University of Technology, Germany
  • Clarivate Analytics: Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)
  • Clarivate Analytics: Current Contents - Arts & Humanities
  • Clarivate Analytics: Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences
  • Clarivate Analytics: Social Science Citation Index
  • EBSCO: RILM Abstracts of Music Literature
  • ProQuest: ARTbibliographies Modern
  • ProQuest: British Humanities Index
  • ProQuest: Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)
  • PsycINFO

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    Originality: Only original articles are accepted for publication. Submission of a manuscript represents certification on the part of the author(s) that neither the article submitted, nor a version of it has been published, or is being considered for publication elsewhere.


    Content of the manuscript: Empirical Studies of the Arts publishes original empirical investigations that increase theoretical understanding of behaviors which center around works of art and aesthetic experiences of all types including, but not limited to, the visual arts, music, literature, dance, museum behavior, and creativity. Literature reviews, meta-analyses, and theoretical papers may also be considered for publication. A complete manuscript typically ranges from 15 to 25 double-spaced pages.


    Organization and style of the manuscript: Authors should prepare manuscripts in strict accordance with the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Edition). Formatting instructions and instructions on the preparation of tables, figures, and references appear in the Manual. A sample manuscript for an entire paper is presented on pages 41 to 53 of the Manual.


    Tables: Refer to the sample table shown on page 52 of the Manual for the format of a table and the way it is included in the text.


    Figures: Refer to the sample figure shown in page 53 of the Manual for the format of a figure and the way it is included in the text. A separate electronic file for each figure should be included with the initial submission of a manuscript. If the manuscript is accepted for publication, a higher contrast black-on-white paper copy of each figure is required. The Journal does not publish in color. Please make certain that color is not used in any figures or images of stimulus materials.


    Permission: Authors are required to obtain and provide to the Editor on final acceptance of the manuscript all necessary permissions to reproduce in print and in electronic form any copyrighted images of artworks or other materials.

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