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Environmental Communication

Environmental Communication

Four Volume Set
Edited by:
  • Robert Cox - The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

November 2015 | 1 704 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

Environmental communication is a rapidly expanding field of study, encompassing a wide range of topics such as social-discursive constructions of “nature,” journalism and media coverage of the environment, climate change communication, analyses of environmental rhetoric, public participation in environmental decisions and environmental risk communication to name but a few.


This Major Work draws on a wide and varied range of sources to construct a comprehensive overview of the key issues in this fast-developing and highly topical area of research.


Volume One: Origins, Approaches and Principles

Volume Two: Media and Environmental Journalism

Volume Three: Environmental Risk and Climate Change Communication

Volume Four: Environmental Publics: Citizens, Corporations and Non-Governmental Organizations

Part One: Theoretical and Conceptual Influences
Ideas of Nature

Raymond Williams
The Production and Consumption of Environmental Meanings in the Mass Media: A Research Agenda for the 1990s

Jacquelin Burgess
Nature and Norm

Neil Evernden
The Theoretical Construction of Nature: A Critique of Naturalistic Theories of Evolution

Klaus Eder
Part Two: Rhetorical-Discursive Analyses
Rhetorical Studies
John Muir, Yosemite, and the Sublime Response: A Study in the Rhetoric of Preservationism

Christine Oravec
Accidental Rhetoric: The Root Metaphors of Three Mile Island

Thomas Farrell and G. Thomas Goodnight
Rhetoric, Environmentalism, and Environmental Ethics

Michael Bruner and Max Oelschlaeger
Discourse Analyses
Making Sense of Earth’s Politics: A Discourse Approach

John Dryzek
Cultural Circuits of Climate Change in UK Broadsheet Newspapers

Anabela Carvalho and Jacquelin Burgess
Part Three: Social-Cultural Constructions
Constructing a Social Problem: The Press and the Environment

A. Clay Schoenfeld, Robert Meier and Robert Griffin
The Media and the Social Construction of the Environment

Anders Hansen
Media Images and the Social Construction of Reality

William Gamson, David Croteau, William Hoynes and Theodore Sasson
Rethinking Nature and Society

Phil Macnaghten and John Urry
Part Four: Visual Constructions of Environment
The Tourist Gaze and the ‘Environment’

John Urry
Visually Branding the Environment: Climate Change as a Marketing Opportunity

Anders Hansen and David Machin
Picturing the Clima(c)tic: Greenpeace and the Representational Politics of Climate Change Communication

Julie Doyle
Part Five: Environment Communication as a Field
Communication, Media and Environment: Towards Reconnecting Research on the Production, Content and Social Implications of Environmental Communication

Anders Hansen
Nature’s ‘Crisis Disciplines’: Does Environmental Communication Have an Ethical Duty?

Robert Cox
Part One: News Coverage of the Environment
Up and Down with Ecology – The ‘Issue-Attention Cycle’

Anthony Downs
Media Coverage and Public Opinion on Scientific Controversies

Allan Mazur
Part Two: Media Framing and the Environment
Framing: Toward Clarification of a Fractured Paradigm

Robert Entman
Media Discourse and Public Opinion on Nuclear Power: A Constructionist Approach

William Gamson and Andre Modigliani
Communicating Climate Change: Why Frames Matter for Public Engagement

Matthew Nisbet
Part Three: Environmental Media Effects
The Agenda-setting Function of Mass Media

Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw
Media Agenda-setting with Environmental Issues

Tony Atwater, Michael Salwen and Ronald Anderson
The Media Coverage and Public Awareness of Environmental Issues in Japan

Shunji Mikami, Toshio Takeshita, Makoto Nakada and Miki Kawabata
A Longitudinal Study of Agenda Setting for the Issue of Environmental Pollution

Christine Ader
Mass-media Coverage, Its Influence on Public Awareness of Climate-Change Issues, and Implications for Japan's National Campaign to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Yuki Sampei and Midori Aoyagi-Usui
Cultivation and Narrative Analyses
Green or Brown? Television and the Cultivation of Environmental Concern

James Shanahan, Michael Morgan and Mads Stenbjerre
Environmental Concern, Patterns of Television Viewing, and Pro-Environmental Behaviors: Integrating Models of Media Consumption and Effects

R. Lance Holbert, Nojin Kwak and Dhavan Shah
Telling Stories about Global Climate Change: Measuring the Impact of Narratives on Issue Cycles

Katherine McComas and James Shanahan
Part Four: Environmental Television and Film
Television's Portrayal of the Environment: 1991–1995

James Shanahan and Katherine McComas
Environmental Content in Prime-Time Network TV's Non-News Entertainment and Fictional Programs

Katherine McComas, James Shanahan and Jessica Butler
Hollywood Utopia: Ecology, and Contemporary American Cinema

Pat Brereton
Domesticating Nature on the Television Set

Gregg Mitman
‘Movements that are Drawn’: A History of Environmental Animation from The Lorax to FernGully to Avatar

Nicole Starosielski
Part Five:New Media, Digital Technologies, and the Environment
From Public Sphere to Public Screen: Democracy, Activism, and the "Violence" of Seattle

Kevin DeLuca and Jennifer Peeples
Power Games: Environmental Protest, News Media and the Internet

Libby Lester and Brett Hutchins
Social Media and the Organization of Collective Action: Using Twitter to Explore the Ecologies of Two Climate Change Protests

Alexandra Segerberg and W. Lance Bennett
Part One: Environmental Risk Communication
Social-Discursive Constructions of Risks
Perception of Risk

Paul Slovic
The Emergence of Risk Communication Studies: Social and Political Context

Alonzo Plough and Sheldon Krimsky
The Social Amplification of Risk: A Conceptual Framework

Roger Kasperson, Ortwin Renn, Paul Slovic, Halina Brown, Jacque Emel, Robert Goble, Jeanne Kasperson and Samuel Ratick
From Industrial Society to the Risk Society: Questions of Survival, Social Structure and Ecological Enlightenment

Ulrich Beck
Environmental Risk and the Public
Risk Communication: Facing Public Outrage

Peter Sandman
On the Logic of Wealth Distribution and Risk Distribution

Ulrich Beck
American Risk Perceptions: Is Climate Change Dangerous?

Anthony Leiserowitz
Media and Environmental Risk
Network Evening News Coverage of Environmental Risk

Michael Greenberg, David Sachsman, Peter Sandman and Kandice Salomone
TV News, Lay Voices, and the Visualization of Environmental Risks

Simon Cottle
Part Two: Climate Change Communication
Communicating Climate Change
Climate Change Risk Perception and Policy Preferences: The Role of Affect, Imagery, and Values

Anthony Leiserowitz
More Bad News: The Risk of Neglecting Emotional Responses to Climate Change Information

Susanne Moser
‘Fear Won't Do It’: Promoting Positive Engagement with Climate Change through Visual and Iconic Representations

Saffron O'Neill and Sophie Nicholson-Cole
Beyond Frames: Recovering the Strategic in Climate Communication

Robert Cox
Media and Climate Change
Constructing Climate Change: Claims and Frames in US News Coverage of an Environmental Issue

Craig Trumbo
Balance as Bias: Global Warming and the US Prestige Press

Maxwell Boykoff and Jules Boykoff
Ideological Cultures and Media Discourses on Scientific Knowledge: Re-reading News on Climate Change

Anabela Carvalho
Lost in Translation? United States Television News Coverage of Anthropogenic Climate Change, 1995–2004

Maxwell Boykoff
Visualizing Climate Change: Television News and Ecological Citizenship

Libby Lester and Simon Cottle
Communication and Climate Change Denial
Defeating Kyoto: The Conservative Movement's Impact on U.S. Climate Change Policy

Aaron McCright and Riley Dunlap
Testing Public (Un)Certainty of Science: Media Representations of Global Warming

Julia Corbett and Jessica Durfee
Part One: Public Participation in Environmental Decisions

Environmental Communication and the Cultural Politics of Environmental Citizenship

Jacquie Burgess, Carolyn Harrison and P. Filius
Citizen Participation and Environmental Risk: A Survey of Institutional Mechanisms

Daniel Fiorino
Collaboration as a Deliberative Process

Steven Daniels and Gregg Walker
The Environmental Self and a Sense of Place: Communication Foundations for Regional Ecosystem Management

James Cantrill
The Trinity of Voice: The Role of Practical Theory in Planning and Evaluating the Effectiveness of Environmental Participatory Processes

Susan Senecah
Part Two: Communication of Environmental Pressure Groups and NGOs
Environment Groups’ Uses of Media
Source Strategies and the Communication of Environmental Affairs

Susan Senecah
Imaging Social Movements

Kevin DeLuca
Environmental Protest and Tap-Dancing with the Media in the Information Age

Brett Hutchins and Libby Lester
Making the News: Movement Organizations, Media Attention, and the Public Agenda

Kenneth Andrews and Neal Caren
Rhetorical and Discursive Studies of Environmental Sources
Conservationism vs. Preservationism: The “Public Interest” in the Hetch Hetchy Controversy

Christine Oravec
Introduction to Toxic Tourism: A Challenge

Phaedra Pezzullo
Environmental Melodrama

Steven Schwarze
A Two-Step Flow of Influence? Opinion-Leader Campaigns on Climate Change

Matthew Nisbet and John Kotcher
Resisting ‘National Breast Cancer Awareness Month’: The Rhetoric of Counterpublics and Their Cultural Performances

Phaedra Pezzullo
Part Three: Corporate Green Marketing and Public Relations
Environmental Advertising
Anatomy of Green Advertising

Easwar Iyer and Bobby Banerjee
Shades of Green: A Multidimensional Analysis of Environmental Advertising

Subhabrata Banerjee, Charles Gulas and Easwar Iyer
Environmental Advertising Claims: A Preliminary Investigation

Norman Kangun, Les Carlson and Stephen Grove
Corporate “Green” Image Management
Corporate Publics and Rhetorical Strategies: The Case of Union Carbide's Bhopal Crisis

Richard Ice
Constructing the Environmental Spectacle: Green Advertisements and the Greening of the Corporate Image, 1910–1990

Michael Howlett and Rebecca Raglon
Image Repair Discourse and Crisis Communication

William Benoit
Spinning Climate Change: Corporate and NGO Public Relations Strategies in Canada and the United States

Josh Greenberg, Graham Knight and Elizabeth Westersund

Edited by a leading scholar in the field, this authoritative and timely collection brings together key influential articles in the increasingly important area of environmental communication. The four volume set expertly maps the development of the field and provides a superb reference source for teachers, students and researchers.

Alison Anderson
Director of the Centre for Community, Culture and Society at Plymouth University, UK, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and Manufacture, and Editor-in-Chief, 'Environmental Communication'

As one of the founders of Environmental Communication, Dr. Cox is the best guide imaginable to the growing field.  In the magisterial Environmental Communication, a four-volume collection of influential essays, Cox compiles a comprehensive and provocative overview for students and scholars alike. More importantly, this collection provides global citizens a handbook for thinking in our perilous times on a planet awash in myriad environmental crises

Kevin DeLuca
Professor of Communication, a Hinckley Fellow of the Hinckley Institute of Politics, and Adjunct Professor in the Asian Studies Program at the University of Utah, USA

What I would have given for these volumes when first beginning research on environmental communication a decade or so ago, or earlier as a journalist trying to make sense of a confusing array of science, sources and political strategy.  Ours is a challenging field, voluminous in its scope of interests, methods and theoretical possibilities. Here, two of its genuine leaders provide us with a pathway, choosing texts that highlight key moments in the field’s development and suggest where we might look next. Whether you are new to the field or have been struggling for years to understand how shared environmental futures are negotiated, communicated and determined, these volumes are essential.

Libby Lester
Head, Journalism, Media and Communications and Deputy Head, School of Social Sciences at the University of Tasmania, Australia

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ISBN: 9781473902527