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Essentials of Science Classroom Assessment

Essentials of Science Classroom Assessment

  • Xiufeng Liu - University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, USA

Other Titles in:
Assessment | Education | Science

March 2009 | 216 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Grounded in the constructivist inquiry approach to science teaching and learning, Essentials of Science Classroom Assessment bridges science assessment research and practice, and connects science assessment and learning. This book will help students in science methods courses to develop essential skills in conducting science assessment to support student learning. The chapters parallel a typical structure of a science methods course, making the integration of this text into a science methods course seamless. Due to its practical and concise nature, this book is also ideal for practicing science teachers to use as a professional development resource.
1. Assessment for Learning and Teaching
2. Assessment of Preconceptions
3. Summative Assessment
4. Assessment of Science Inquiry
5. Standardized Tests
6. Assessment of Ongoing Learning
7. Grading Science Achievement
8. Using Data to Improve Assessment and Instruction

The book is an essential to teach assessments in science classroom

Dr Muhammet Mustafa Alpaslan
Education, Mugla Sitki Kocman Universitesi
August 21, 2019

Recommended reading for those undergraduate students that are studying science as a specialism option. The 'Application and Self-Reflection' sections throughout the book are extremely useful in relating theory and practice.

Mr Andrew Sheehan
Department of Education, Newman University College
October 21, 2013

I just finished the book and I wanted to ask if there is a plan to release another edition without the typos. The book is thoughtful and needed in our field. I am considering using this.

Dr Georgia Hodges
Science Education Dept, University of Georgia
March 29, 2011

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