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Gender, Race, and Class in Media

Gender, Race, and Class in Media
A Critical Reader

Fifth Edition (International Student Edition)
Edited by:

April 2018 | 712 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
This provocative new edition examines the mass media as economic and cultural institutions that shape our social identities, particularly regarding gender, race and class. A comprehensive introductory section outlines the book's integrated approach to media studies, which incorporates three distinct but related areas of investigation: the political economy of production, textual analysis and audience response. Incisive analyses of mass media – the Internet, television sitcoms, advertising and more – engage students in critical mass media scholarship.
Part I: A Cultural Studies Approach to Media: Theory
by Douglas Kellner
Chapter 1: Cultural Studies, Multiculturalism, and Media Culture
by George Lipsitz
Chapter 2: The Meaning of Memory: Family, Class, and Ethnicity in Early Network Television Programs
by David P. Croteau and William D. Hoynes
Chapter 3: The Economics of the Media Industry
by James Lull
Chapter 4: Hegemony
by John Bellamy Foster & Robert W. McChesney
Chapter 5: The Internet’s Unholy Marriage to Capitalism
by Michael Morgan and James Shanahan
Chapter 6: Television and the Cultivation of Authoritarianism: A Return Visit from an Unexpected Friend
by Janice Radway
Chapter 7: Women Read the Romance: The Interaction of Text and Context
by Henry Jenkins III
Chapter 8: Star Trek Rerun, Reread, Rewritten: Fan Writing as Textual Poaching
by Richard Butsch
Chapter 9: Reconsidering Resistance and Incorporation
Part II: Representations of Gender, Race, and Class
by Wesley Morris
Chapter 10: The Year We Obsessed Over Identity
by Stuart Hall
Chapter 11: The Whites of Their Eyes: Racist Ideologies and the Media
C. Richard King
Chapter 12: Redskins: Insult and Brand (Introduction)
by James McKay and Helen Johnson
Chapter 13: Pornographic Eroticism and Sexual Grotesquerie in Representations of African-American Sportswomen
by Rosemary Pennington
Chapter 14: Dissolving the Other: Orientalism, Consumption, and Katy Perry’s Insatiable Dark Horse
by Raka Shome
Chapter 15: “Global Motherhood”: The Transnational Intimacies of White Femininity
by Kay Siebler
Chapter 16: Transgender Transitions: Sex/Gender Binaries in the Digital Age
by Michael J. Lee and Leigh Moscowitz
Chapter 17: The “Rich Bitch”: Class and Gender on the Real Housewives of New York City
by Jackson Katz
Chapter 18: From Rush Limbaugh to Donald Trump: Conservative Talk Radio and the Defiant Reassertion of White Male Authority
Part III: Reading Media Texts Critically
by Laurie Ouellette
Chapter 19: Inventing the Cosmo Girl: Class Identity and Girl-Style American Dreams
by Jamie Warner
Chapter 20: Political Culture Jamming: The Dissident Humor of The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
by Gilad Padva
Chapter 21: Educating The Simpsons: Teaching Queer Representations in Contemporary Visual Media
by Candace Moore
Chapter 22: Resisting, Reiterating, and Dancing Through: The Swinging Closet Doors of Ellen DeGeneres’s Televised Personalities
by David Nylund
Chapter 23: When in Rome: Heterosexism, Homophobia and Sports Talk Radio
by Shannon E. M. O’Sullivan
Chapter 24: Playing “Redneck”: White Masculinity and Working-Class Performance on Duck Dynasty
by Guillermo Rebollo-Gil and Amanda
Chapter 25: Black Women and Black Men in Hip Hop Music: Misogyny, Violence and the Negotiation of (White-Owned) Space
by Bill Yousman
Chapter 26: “[In]Justice Rolls Down Like Water…” Challenging White Supremacy in Media Constructions of Crime and Punishment
Part IV: Advertising and Consumer Culture
by Sut Jhally
Chapter 27: Image-Based Culture: Advertising and Popular Culture
by Juliet Schor
Chapter 28: The New Politics of Consumption: Why Americans Want So Much More Than They Need
by Ian Bogost
Chapter 29: Pepsi’s New Ad is a Total Success
by Gloria Steinem
Chapter 30: Sex, Lies, and Advertising
by Rosalind Gill
Chapter 31: Supersexualize Me! Advertising and the “Midriffs”
by Dara Persis Murray
Chapter 32: Branding “Real” Social Change in Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty
by Kirsty Fairclough
Chapter 33: Nothing Less Than Perfect: Female Celebrity, Ageing, and Hyperscrutiny in the Gossip Industry
by Momin Rahman and Sean Lockwood
Chapter 34: How to “Use your Olympian”: The Paradox of Athletic Authenticity and Commercialization in the Contemporary Olympic Games
by Jonathan Hardy
Chapter 35: Mapping Commercial Intertextuality: HBO’s True Blood
Part V: Representing Sexualities
by Robert Jensen
Chapter 36: Pornographic Values: Hierarchy and Hubris
by Gail Dines
Chapter 37: “There is no such thing as IT”: Toward a Critical Understanding of the Porn Industry
by Jane Caputi
Chapter 38: The Pornography of Everyday Life
by Victoria E. Collins and Dianne C. Carmody
Chapter 39: Deadly Love: Images of Dating Violence in the "Twilight Saga”
by Frederik Dhaenens and Sander De Ridder
Chapter 40: Resistant Masculinities in Alternative R&B? Understanding Frank Ocean and The Weeknd’s Representations of Gender
by Jay Clarkson
Chapter 41: The Limitations of the Discourse of Norms: Gay Visibility and Degrees of Transgression
by Mary F. Rogers
Chapter 42: Hetero Barbie?
by Joanna Mansbridge
Chapter 43: Fantasies of Exposure: Belly Dancing, the Veil, and the Drag of History
Part VI: Growing Up with Contemporary Media
by Dafna Lemish
Chapter 44: The Future of Childhood in the Global Television Market
by Lee Artz
Chapter 45: Disney: 21st Century Leader in Animating Global Inequality
by Karen Goldman
Chapter 46: La Princesa Plastica: Hegemonic and Oppositional Representations of Latinidad in Hispanic Barbie
by Gail Dines
Chapter 47: Growing Up Female in a Celebrity-Based Pop
by Sue Jackson and Tiina Vares
Chapter 48: “Too many bad role models for us girls”: Girls, Female Pop Celebrities and “Sexualization”
by Michael Salter
Chapter 49: Privates in the Online Public: Sex(ting) and Reputation on Social Media
by John Sanbonmatsu
Chapter 50: Video Games: Machine Dreams of Domination
by Elena Bertozzi
Chapter 51: “You Play Like a Girl”: Cross-Gender Competition and the Uneven Playing Field
Part VII: Still Watching Television in the Digital Age
by Richard Butsch
Chapter 52: Why Television Sitcoms Kept Re-creating Male Working-Class Buffoons for Decades
by Chris Jordan
Chapter 53: Marketing “Reality” to the World: Survivor, Post-Fordism, and Reality Television
by Grace Wang
Chapter 54: A Shot at Half-Exposure: Asian Americans in Reality TV Shows
by Kristen Warner
Chapter 55: The Racial Logic of Grey’s Anatomy: Shonda Rhimes and Her “Post-Civil Rights, Post-Feminist” Series
by Daniela Mastrocola
Chapter 56: Performing Class: Gilmore Girls and a Classless Neoliberal ‘Middle-Class’
by Hannah Mueller
Chapter 57: Don't Drop the Soap vs. the Soap Opera: The Representation of Male and Female Prisoners on U.S. Television
by Douglas Kellner
Chapter 58: Donald Trump and the Politics of Spectacle
by Mareike Jenner
Chapter 59: Is this TVIV? On Netflix, TVIII and Binge-Watching
Part VIII Social Media, Virtual Community, and Fandom
by Henry Jenkins III
Chapter 60: Pop Cosmopolitanism: Mapping Cultural Flows in an Age of Convergence
by Christian Fuchs
Chapter 61: The Political Economy of Privacy on Facebook
by Alice Marwick and Danah Boyd
Chapter 62: To See and Be Seen: Celebrity Practice on Twitter
by Andrea Braithwaite
Chapter 63: It’s About Ethics in Games Journalism? Gamergaters and Geek Masculinity
by Lisa Nakamura
Chapter 64: “Don’t Hate the Player, Hate the Game”: The Racialization of Labor in World of Warcraft
by Jennifer Cole, Jason Nolan, Yukari Seko, Katherine Mancuso, and Alejandra Ospina
Chapter 65: GimpGirl Grows Up: Women With Disabilities Rethinking, Redefining, and Reclaiming Community
by Christine Bacareza Balance
Chapter 66: How It Feels to Be Viral Me: Affective Labor and Asian American YouTube Performance
by Nadia Yamel Flores-Yeffal, Guadalupe Vidales, and April Plemons
Chapter 67: The Latino Cyber-Moral Panic Process in the United States
by Yarimar Bonilla and Jonathan Rosa
Chapter 68: #Ferguson: Digital Protest, Hashtag Ethnography, and the Racial Politics of Social Media in the United States

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ISBN: 9781506390796