Hidden Conflict In Organizations
Uncovering Behind-the-Scenes Disputes
Edited by:
- Deborah Kolb - Harvard Law School, USA, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
- Jean M. Bartunek - Boston College, USA
SAGE Focus Editions
SAGE Focus Editions
February 1992 | 241 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
Conflict is a persistent fact of organizational life. Much of it, however, rarely becomes public and instead is expressed `behind the scenes' in such forms as avoidance, toleration, gossip and vengence. This book takes examples from a number of organizational settings and makes the case that far from being an occasional occurrence, conflict is embedded in their very fabric. The authors go on to illustrate the frequency of conflict, show how conflicts are actually handled and suggest that these conflicts can be better managed for organizational effectiveness.
Deborah M Kolb and Linda L Putnam
John Van Maanen
Drinking Our Troubles Away
Deborah M Kolb
Women's Work
Calvin Morrill
The Private Ordering of Professional Relations
Jean M Bartunek and Robin D Reid
The Role of Conflict in a Second Order Change Attempt
Raymond A Friedman
The Culture of Mediation
Joanne Martin
The Suppression of Gender Conflict in Organizations
Frank A Dubinskas
Culture and Conflict
Jean M Bartunek, Deborah M Kolb and Roy J Lewicki
Bringing Conflict Out from Behind the Scenes