International Human Resource Management
First Edition
Four Volume Set
Edited by:
- Pawan Budhwar - Aston University Business School, UK
- Randall S Schuler - Rutgers University, USA
- Paul R Sparrow - University of Lancaster, UK
Other Titles in:
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management
March 2009 | 1 592 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
Over the last two decades, international human resource management (IHRM) has evolved into an important field of research, teaching and practice. Until recently the focus of IHRM was on how to best manage human resources (HRs) in the multinational enterprise; however, IHRM has now evolved to incorporate two more perspectives, cross-cultural HRM and comparative HRM. Significant developments are taking place in the corporate world which have serious implications for IHRM. These include globalization, increasing foreign direct investments into emerging markets, growing intensity of cross-border alliances, growth of multinationals from emerging markets (such as China and India), increasing movement of people around the globe and an increasing trend in business process outsourcing to new economies. This emerging global economic scenario is creating immense opportunities for IHRM students and researchers.
International Human Resource Management brings together articles which highlight the historical evolution of IHRM, discuss the contemporary issues and make projections for further developments in the field. The articles have been selected and arranged into sections in a way to help the reader better understand the developments in the field from different perspectives.
R.S. Schuler, P. Sparrow and P. Budhwar
R.S. Schuler, P.H. Dowling and H. De Cieri
S. Taylor, S. Beechler and N. Napier
H. DeCieri, and P.J. Dowling
R.S. Schuler and I. Tarique
Strategy, Structure and the External Environment
Y.L. Doz, and C.K. Prahala
P.M. Rosenzweig and N. Nohria
L.K. Stroh and P.M. Caligiuri
A. Gupta and V. Govindarajan
R.S. Schuler
R.S. Schuler and S. Jackson
V. Pucik
Knowledge and Learning Creation and Transfer
K. Kamoche
A. Gupta and V. Govindarajan
A.W. Harzing and N. Noorderhaven
U. Andersson, I. Bjorkman and M. Forsgren
P. Sparrow, R.S. Schuler and P. Budhwar
Planning and Staffing
M.E. Mendenhall, E. Dunbar and G.R. Oddou
C. Brewster and H. Scullion
A.W. Harzing
M. Harvey, C. Speier and M. Novicevic
D.G. Collings, H. Scullion and M.J. Morley
I. Tarique, R. Schuler and Y. Gong
Training, Development and Leadership
G.K. Stahl, E.L. Miller and R.L. Tung
R.L. Tung
N.J. Adler and S. Bartholomew
A.K. Gupta and V. Govindarajan
Compensation and Performance Management
L.M. Claus and D.R. Briscoe
L.R. Gomez-Mejia and T.M. Welbourne
K. Roth, J. Milliman, H. De Cieri and P.H. Dowling
S.M. Toh and A.S. DeNisi
IHR Department/Function
H. Scullion and K. Starkey
C. Brewster, P. Sparrow and H. Harris
J.S. Black, M. Mendenhall and G. Oddou
VOLUME 3: CROSS-CULTURAL Human Resource Management
P. Sparrow, R.S. Schuler and P. Budhwar
Key Perspectives on the Cross-Cultural Management Field
G. Hofstede
N.J. Adler
A. Laurent
R. Tung
R. Whitley
Dimensions and Models of Culture
S. Ronen and O. Shenkar
S.H. Schwartz
R.J. House, M. Javidan, P. Hanges and P. Dorfman
M.L. Maznevski, J.J. DiStefano, C.B. Gomez, N.G. Noorderhaven and P.C. Wu
H.C. Triandis
Cross-Cultural Training and Individual Capability
S.J. Black and M. Mendenhall
T. Murtha, S. Lenway and R.P. Bagozzi
P.S. Budhwar and P.R. Sparrow
C. Hampden-Turner and F. Trompenaars
Methodological Insights
B. McSweeney
F.J.R. Van de Vijver and Y.H. Poortinga
M. Erez and E. Gati
S.A. Sackmann and M.E. Phillips
P. Budhwar, R.S. Schuler and P. Sparrow
Conceptual and Theoretical Perspectives in Comparative HRM
J.P. Begin
P.F. Boxall
C. Brewster
P. Budhwar and Y. Debrah
R. Locke, T. Kochan and M. Piore
Frameworks for Cross-National Comparative HRM Investigations
C. Brewster, O. Tregaskis, A. Hegewisch and L. Mayne
P. Budhwar and S. Sparrow
P.N. Gooderham, O. Nordhaug and K. Ringdal
H.C. Katz and O. Darbishire
V.V. Murray, H.C. Jain and R.J. Adams
P.R. Sparrow and J.M. Hiltrop
Empirical Investigations in Cross-National HRM
C. Brewster and H.H. Larsen
P. Budhwar and P. Sparrow
P. Sparrow and P. Budhwar
P. Sparrow, R. Schuler and S. Jackson
O. Tregaskis and C. Brewster