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International Journal

International Journal

Canada’s Journal of Global Policy Analysis
Published in Association with Canadian International Council

eISSN: 2052465X | ISSN: 00207020 | Current volume: 79 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Quarterly

International Journal (IJ) is Canada’s pre-eminent journal of global policy analysis. It combines brief, policy-relevant articles with longer, peer-reviewed, scholarly assessments of interest to foreign policy-makers, analysts and academics in Canada and around the world. IJ is cross-disciplinary, combining the insights of history, political science and economics with anthropology and other social sciences to advance research and dialogue on issues of global significance.

Established in 1946, IJ is the scholarly publication of the Canadian International Council (CIC) and the Bill Graham Centre for Contemporary International History (CCIH). The CIC is a non-partisan, nationwide council established to strengthen Canada’s role in international affairs. The CCIH is a joint undertaking of Trinity College and the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto. It promotes the study of recent international events from a historical standpoint, and pursues programs of research, teaching, publication and other activities to that end.

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International Journal (IJ) is Canada’s pre-eminent journal of global policy analysis. It combines brief, policy-relevant articles with longer, peer-reviewed, scholarly assessments of interest to foreign policy-makers, analysts and academics in Canada and around the world. IJ is cross-disciplinary, combining the insights of history, political science and economics with anthropology and other social sciences to advance research and dialogue on issues of global significance.

Established in 1946, IJ is the scholarly publication of the Canadian International Council (CIC) and the Bill Graham Centre for Contemporary International History (CCIH). The CIC is a non-partisan, nationwide council established to strengthen Canada’s role in international affairs. The CCIH is a joint undertaking of Trinity College and the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto. It promotes the study of recent international events from a historical standpoint, and pursues programs of research, teaching, publication and other activities to that end.

Asa McKercher St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
Leah Sarson Dalhousie University, Canada
Managing Editor
Elliot Gunn Canadian International Council
Book Reviews Editor
Caroline Dunton Queen's University, Canada
International History Editor
Asa McKercher St. Francis Xavier University, Canada
Copy Editor
Editorial Board
Jean-Christophe Boucher University of Calgary, Canada
Adam Chapnick Canadian Forces College, Canada
David Dyment Canadian International Council, Canada
John English University of Toronto, Canada
Wilfrid Greaves University of Victoria, Canada
Patrick James University of Southern California, USA
Anessa L. Kimball Université Laval, Canada
Veronica Kitchen University of Waterloo, Canada
Patsy Lewis Brown University, USA
David B. MacDonald University of Guelph, Canada
Margaret MacMillan University of Oxford, UK
Stephanie Martel Queen’s University, Canada
Francine McKenzie Western University, Canada
Simon Miles Duke University, USA
Roland Paris University of Ottawa, Canada
Stéphane Roussel École nationale d’Administration publique, Canada
Elinor Sloan Carleton University, Canada
Kevin Spooner Wilfrid Laurier University, Canada
Debora VanNijnatten Wilfred Laurier University, Canada
Rosalind Warner Okanagan College, Canada
  • Clarivate Analytics: Current Contents - Social & Behavioral Sciences
  • Clarivate Analytics: Social Science Citation Index
  • EBSCO: Political Science Complete
  • EBSCO: TOC Premier
  • Gale: Book Review Index
  • Gale: CPI.Q
  • Lancaster Index to Defence & International Security Literature
  • ProQuest 5000
  • ProQuest 5000 International
  • ProQuest Central
  • ProQuest Political Science
  • ProQuest Research Library
  • ProQuest: CBCA Complete
  • ProQuest: CBCA Reference
  • ProQuest: CSA Sociological Abstracts
  • ProQuest: International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
  • ProQuest: Professional ProQuest Central
  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.

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